Harris slammed for taking Kavanaugh out of context on birth control


100% recycled karma
en. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Planned Parenthood have come under fire after accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh of describing contraceptives as “abortion-inducing drugs” -- when he was only summarizing the position of a pro-life group.

The flashpoint came on Thursday when Kavanaugh was asked at his Supreme Court confirmation hearing about a case he ruled on that involved Priests for Life, who were challenging Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate that the group said violated their religious beliefs.

"That was a group that was being forced to provide certain kind of health coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first, was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise? And it seemed to me quite clearly it was," Kavanaugh told lawmakers on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

"It was a technical matter of filling out a form in that case," he said. "In that case, they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objected to."

Pro-choice and anti-Kavanaugh groups seized on his reference to "abortion-inducing drugs." Harris tweeted out the video, but cut out the preface that showed Kavanaugh making it clear he was summarizing the arguments of Priest for Life. The video therefore presented the reference as his own.

Harris accused Kavanaugh of choosing his words carefully and said, “This is a dog whistle for going after birth control.”

“He was nominated for the purpose of taking away a woman’s constitutionally protected right to make her own health care decisions,” the tweet said. “Make no mistake - this is about punishing women.”
the Judiciary hearing were a good look at the Sleeze ball Dems Senators.
Of course Maxine Waters and the House are just as bad.

say anything, make shit up, and misquote people and then say they are 'out to punish women'
The entire party is seized with TDS
the Judiciary hearing were a good look at the Sleeze ball Dems Senators.
Of course Maxine Waters and the House are just as bad.

say anything, make shit up, and misquote people and then say they are 'out to punish women'
The entire party is seized with TDS
She's in the process of running for pres. in 2020. Publicity.
Kavanaugh wrote emails saying he did not believe that Roe was settled law. He lies like a typical trump. He said this week he had no opinion. Is there anyone who does not know he will vote against Roe, will vote for protecting Trump with his imperial presidency beliefs and will be a solid pro corporate anti worker voter? That is who he is. He lies when he says he will just call balls and strikes. He has every intention of moving the court back to the 1800s. Kavanaugh is trying to get seated by lying his ass off. He is against laws that prevent racism. He is a terrible selection .
She's in the process of running for pres. in 2020. Publicity.

But of course, hearings are nothing but competitive theater. The Dems won't block Kavanaugh, they just need to put on a show. Besides, the Reps have already demonstrated to the world that the Supreme Court process is a charade. Ya can always just not.
But of course, hearings are nothing but competitive theater. The Dems won't block Kavanaugh, they just need to put on a show. Besides, the Reps have already demonstrated to the world that the Supreme Court process is a charade. Ya can always just not.

The Dems cannot block him. Do you know anything? The Repugs have the votes. The Dems are trying to reach Murkowski and Collins. They are pro-choice. Kavanaugh is not. They have to weigh the facts of who he is against their consciences. But the Repub party will murder them if they do not vote properly. They have tough decisions to make. Kavanaugh has not been impressive.