APP - Harvey, Al, Roy? Not about them. This is about Trump

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Remember, the Deep State plays long ball. Their entire world was upset when Trump won. It isn't even really about Trump. What this is about is the American people actually electing who they want. Yeah, the establishment wants you to think that there are major differences between the two parties so they gin you up over things like birth control pills and abortion, but it should be clear that the establishment Republicans have no interest in honoring their election promises and their base knows it. Conversely, the left talks a big game about "income inequality" but never really does anything about it. And their base is waking up to it as well.

Unfortunately for the Republicans, they were not able to stem the Trump wave and couldn't stop him from winning the primary. The democrat party was able to stop Bernie through collusion and cheating. Make no mistake, each party should be able to choose the candidate they want it is their right. But, the pretense that they let the people choose has been blown up.

For years leaders have been decided for us. In 2016, the people decided that they have had enough. Well, there is too much money and power at stake for the establishment to allow ordinary people to choose their leaders and this must be stopped at all costs.

That is why they will stop at nothing to stop and eliminate Trump. Then they can turn back to the people and say "See dear deluded ones, you must pick from the crop that we tell you to pick from"

So how does this relate to the sudden concern about "sexual harassment"? Simple, all of these accusations and the left finally finding religion on Bill Clinton have a two fold purpose

1) Eliminate the Clintons once and for all. They have long since passed their expiration date politically and can be cast aside. They are now seen by many high ranking lefties as a political liability

2) By finding religion on Bill, this opens the door for some "new" accusers of sexual harassment against Trump to come out of the woodwork and for the left to use that as its pretext for impeachment.

The Russia story is collapsing no matter what JPP lefties tell you. They need another way to try to impeach Trump and this is their new gambit. They tried it during the campaign but it backfired. The reason it backfired is because their hypocrisy was thrown in their faces with all of their defense of Bill Clinton. They are trying to rectify that situation so they can make another run at Trump.

I predict it will fail. For one they are playing a dangerous game with Bill and Hillary. They will not go quietly into that good night and I suspect that they have some major dirt on some big time folks.

As I have said before, I hope the entire thing burns down. Democrats and Republicans. But, let's see if this prediction comes true
Pretty much my toughts since '99. I was hoping Ron Paul, then Gary Johnson would blow up the system.
But Trump did it for now at least. The establishment repubs and dims, Deep State, and msm are all colluding to get rid of Trump.
I'll dig my heels in and vote for the bastard next time.