
Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Steven Speilberg is going to produce a remake of the Jimmy Steward classic "Harvey". I'd be really dissapointed in anyone but Tom Hanks is chosen to play the role of Elwood P. Dowd.
LOL I made a Harvey joke the other day. I was tracking the west coast on my radar scope, and my partner tracking the border asked if our section sup. could take over for a few minutes while she used the restroom. After she left, this girl comes in to check the schedule, sees me sitting alone, gets all confused and asks, "who's sitting there?" to which I responded "oh, its Harvey" and she's like "what?" and I go, "you know Harvey... the rabbit?" Finally I'm like, "yeah, we are so not caring about national security this afternoon..."
well if Spielberg is making it, you can guarantee it won't be ANYTHING like the original...it will be filled with fiction and hate..

I hope it bombs..
I dunno, wasn't Saving Private Ryan supposed to be a pretty accurate depiction of WWII, as per the statements of vets who saw it screened? And Forrest Gump is a classic, and not offensive historical farce.
I dunno, wasn't Saving Private Ryan supposed to be a pretty accurate depiction of WWII, as per the statements of vets who saw it screened? And Forrest Gump is a classic, and not offensive historical farce.

those were made while he was still sane, I guess..
Have you seen some of the crap he has made lately...