Has the War on Drugs Spread to OTC Cold Medicine?


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Apparently some stupid kids were cooking pseudoephedrine and turning into methamphetamine. The government doesn't want people to experience euphoria on a regular basis and decided to do something to stop it. But does meth cause death? This "deadliest drug" has apparently killed a few hundred people in the last six years, so far as anyone can tell.

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And obesity is a close second behind tobacco.
So will the FDA start acting like the DEA with Twinkie swat teams ?

Here in KY you have to show ID and sign to get Psudepherine decongestant tabs. You are also registered in a database.
My academic and scientific mentor says that tobacco is the most addictive substance in the world.

Obesity is a huge problem, and involves the same brain systems as drug abuse, but can't in itself, be called an addiction. There are a lot of factors involved in obesity, and they're not the same for all obese persons.
People buy up the cold medicines to make meth. The mixer is highly volitile and blow a house into splinters. Often they use cars and vans in traveling methlabs endangering people on the highway. Therefore they are regulating the over the counter drugs by limiting the amount you can buy.

Kids are also getting high by drinking large amounts of robotusin. They can put limits on things but they aren't going to stop people that want to get high from finding some mundane thing to take in large quanities usually with deadly effects.
Why not allow the stupid people to remove themselves from the gene pool ?
Sure there will be some colateral damage but so what you can't make an omlet without breaking a few eggs.
You can also get a direct Suphedrine high. No need to make meth. Teens often drink Suphedrine cough medicine to get high.
Why not allow the stupid people to remove themselves from the gene pool ?
Sure there will be some colateral damage but so what you can't make an omlet without breaking a few eggs.

Kinda like letting a muslim blow himself up in a crowded mall. Hey we get rid of a muslim. You logic never ceases to amaze me.