APP - Has Trump Derangement Syndrome turned leftists into flat earther's?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I have known for a very long time that the election of Donald J Trump has had a profound impact on what was already a fragile psyche of the American left. It led them to believe such nonsense as these

"Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary"
"Trump paid prostitutes to pee on a bed in Russia that Obama slept on"
"Trump withheld aid to Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden"

And on and on and on

But, what has been fascinating to watch as the Chinese Wuhan Virus plays out is how anti science the left has become. And it is ironic because they claim to be all sciencey. Let us review shall we?

First when anecdotal reports came out about the use of hydroxychloroquine (which isn't new been done for years) the left didn't make much of it. Until of course President Trump mentioned it during one of his briefings. Then all of a sudden the left became the equivalent of anti vaxxers. Oh and let's not forget that there is video of Saint Cuomo touting hydroxychloroquine but the left isn't talking about that.

Take the little dust up last week about UV light and "disinfectants". Set aside for a moment that President Trump never ever said people should inject themselves with Lysol or Clorox, the left went into a flying tizzy.

What makes it even more hilarious is that in their haste to try to make Trump out to be a bumbling, stumbling idiot they overlooked the fact that what he was saying, albeit not very artfully, are scientific modalities that have been known for years

For instance it has been known for over 100 years that UV light is devastating to viruses. It is part of the reason why viruses don't grab on too well during the summer months when there is more sunlight. Or why you don't see huge outbreaks in tropical climates. Worse, even a modicum of research would have shown you that using UV light to treat the chinese virus isn't made up. There is a company working on it right now.

Now with regards to disinfectants. I will admit it was a sloppy choice of words, however the concept is sound. Antibiotics and chemotherapy are technically disinfectants, but even if you don't want to accept that, let's go with Hydrogen Peroxide. Hydrogen Peroxide is a well known disinfectant and has been used to clean up boo boo's of patriotic americans and leftists for generations. It is a disinfectant. Since 1989 some have been using it to inject into people's veins to try to kill bacteria and viruses. To be fair it isn't a widely accepted practice and can be dangerous if done improperly, but the point is it has been done.

This brings me to my about the left being flat earther's and anti science. The hallmark of the scientific method is merely asking the questions. "What if this" or "What if that" or "What if we tried.....".

Sort of like "What if the earth isn't flat?" or "What if we could fly like birds?" or "What if this mold on my culture plates could be used to kill bacteria?"

Trump was merely asking the questions. He wasn't proffering medical advice. And the left lost their minds. Trump Derangement Syndrome has made them flat earther's