Has Western Democracy's become to overly tolerant of drug use?


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Let me be clear.... I'm not in favor of the war on drugs... It's lead to a tremendous waste in taxpayer dollars, and work to line the pockets of the prison industrial complex.

What I don't appreciate is this push towards legalization without having a counterweight to discourage drug use.

What's happened in Canada, is a marijuana Gold Rush.... It seems like every other add on BNN business in Canada... begs investors to put their money into some Marijuana startups. We use to lock people up a few years ago, now we just let private corporations be the biggest drug dealers?

I think we have an obligation to demonize and discourage drug use.... but what do we do instead... we treat it like it's a mental illness, and we give open arms tolerance towards drug users.

I understand the case to legalize it, to take money away from the cartels... but we still need to give teenagers all the science behind drug use...

We should conduct state of the art brain scans... and look at parts of the brain that have been permanently destroyed.

I remember seeing commercials like this as a kid in Ontario.... Now the government won't even admit their is serious health effect when people do drugs.

This is why I hate Justin Trudeau and the Canadian liberals... They pretend like they want to legalize drugs to stop gangs, but in reality... they're in it for the money.

Seriously that commercial scared the living daylights out of me as a kid... I stayed away from drugs, because of what I remember seeing as a kid. Teenagers these days, pop pills at raves, and think "What's the big deal". But I ask myself... whens the last time they saw an anti drug commercial on TV?

I sometimes wonder if the globalist want to encourage drug use... to dumb people down, and turn them into useless consumers.
Seriously that commercial scared the living daylights out of me as a kid... I stayed away from drugs, because of what I remember seeing as a kid. Teenagers these days, pop pills at raves, and think "What's the big deal". But I ask myself... whens the last time they saw an anti drug commercial on TV?

I sometimes wonder if the globalist want to encourage drug use... to dumb people down, and turn them into useless consumers.

'Useless Consumers'. They make Shareholders rich. (why do you hate Capitalism?)
'Useless Consumers'. They make Shareholders rich. (why do you hate Capitalism?)

I love capitalism, that's why I want don't want a bunch of dumbed-down liberal zombies getting high.

They need their brain cells to help us run the economy. If only half their brain is working, it becomes very expensive for the taxpayer, to bail them out.

Does that answer your question. Just my opinion ;)
I love capitalism, that's why I want don't want a bunch of dumbed-down liberal zombies getting high.

They need their brain cells to help us run the economy. If only half their brain is working, it becomes very expensive for the taxpayer, to bail them out.

Does that answer your question. Just my opinion ;)

This is where you show data demonstrating that it is the leftys doing drugs.
Let me be clear.... I'm not in favor of the war on drugs... It's lead to a tremendous waste in taxpayer dollars, and work to line the pockets of the prison industrial complex.

What I don't appreciate is this push towards legalization without having a counterweight to discourage drug use.

What's happened in Canada, is a marijuana Gold Rush.... It seems like every other add on BNN business in Canada... begs investors to put their money into some Marijuana startups. We use to lock people up a few years ago, now we just let private corporations be the biggest drug dealers?

I think we have an obligation to demonize and discourage drug use.... but what do we do instead... we treat it like it's a mental illness, and we give open arms tolerance towards drug users.

I understand the case to legalize it, to take money away from the cartels... but we still need to give teenagers all the science behind drug use...

We should conduct state of the art brain scans... and look at parts of the brain that have been permanently destroyed.

I remember seeing commercials like this as a kid in Ontario.... Now the government won't even admit their is serious health effect when people do drugs.

This is why I hate Justin Trudeau and the Canadian liberals... They pretend like they want to legalize drugs to stop gangs, but in reality... they're in it for the money.

The biggest issue is the drug pushing. Big pharma's finagling has turned a prescribed med into a bigger issue then hard street drugs. As far as things go pot is far less damaging, but still it's not something that should be widely used for the hell of it. I know someone that used it to handle a bad spine. They needed to get away from it because it was like nothing else happened or got done. That's well and good for terminal patients or those that need help just to function, to begin with. It isn't so good for a person with responsibilities or a life to live.
The biggest issue is the drug pushing. Big pharma's finagling has turned a prescribed med into a bigger issue then hard street drugs. As far as things go pot is far less damaging, but still it's not something that should be widely used for the hell of it. I know someone that used it to handle a bad spine. They needed to get away from it because it was like nothing else happened or got done. That's well and good for terminal patients or those that need help just to function, to begin with. It isn't so good for a person with responsibilities or a life to live.

Actually there is no need for THC vapor. All you need is the extract for pain and seizures, and you can process the extracts without the THC, so no one gets high.
Seriously that commercial scared the living daylights out of me as a kid... I stayed away from drugs, because of what I remember seeing as a kid. Teenagers these days, pop pills at raves, and think "What's the big deal". But I ask myself... whens the last time they saw an anti drug commercial on TV?

I sometimes wonder if the globalist want to encourage drug use... to dumb people down, and turn them into useless consumers.

It's always been like that. Alcohol is a deadly drug, but nobody cares.
It's always been like that. Alcohol is a deadly drug, but nobody cares.

With alcohol, you have to demonize binge drinking. We should make it illegal to have a certain alcohol blood level... Teen's that party and get completely intoxicated on the beach, should spend a week behind bars... That's just my opinion.

If adults want a glass of wine, with dinner... not issue there.
If you a student in Singapore tried and sell drugs at their school, that student will get the cane by the Principal. We need to bring back corporal discipline, and teach our young people social values.

If it prevents drug addicts, a red mark on the wrist... is a fair trade off...

Pain is only temporary, the damage from drugs ruins lives.
I love capitalism, that's why I want don't want a bunch of dumbed-down liberal zombies getting high.

They need their brain cells to help us run the economy. If only half their brain is working, it becomes very expensive for the taxpayer, to bail them out.

Does that answer your question. Just my opinion ;)

"Opium trade, in Chinese history, the traffic that developed in the 18th and 19th centuries in which Western countries, mostly Great Britain, exported opium grown in India and sold it to China. The British used the profits from the sale of opium to purchase such Chinese luxury goods as porcelain, silk, and tea, which were in great demand in the West."

Don't be an Idiot. Getting the Consumers hooked on Tobacco, Alcohol, and other Drugs is good for Business. (Admit you're a Communist!)
With alcohol, you have to demonize binge drinking. We should make it illegal to have a certain alcohol blood level... Teen's that party and get completely intoxicated on the beach, should spend a week behind bars... That's just my opinion.

If adults want a glass of wine, with dinner... not issue there.

But couldn't you say the same thing about any drug? Demonize binge cocaine use, but not doing like half a line?

I think drug use should be demonized altogether, including lite drinking, my only point here is that drug acceptance isn't new. It's always been a part of Western culture. Especially in places like the American South and most of Europe.
We have had a war on drugs and have spent trillions on it. How has that worked out? We criminalize users. We spent billions on running them through the justice system and more keeping them in jail? How has that worked out? Can you buy drugs in America? Has there been a time when you could not?
We should grow up and treat them as having an illness and provide drug treatment.
The bonus would be a more honest police force and judges not being paid off. There would be many less muggings and break ins. Some nations whose economy is predicated on drugs would drastically change. Poppy growers could go back to planting corn or beans. Afghanistan is producing 90 percent of drug poppies. Drugs are creating cartels, bribes and corruption. We do not have to do that.