Hastert out as Majority leader!


Well-known member
One way or another Hastert will loose his position as majority leader. He can resign himself and maybe save the Republicans the majority OR the voters will take care of removing him from that position!

If the Republicans fail to clean house, the voters will clean them from leadership in the house!:clink: :clink: :clink:
His crime for not outing a queer?

No, for not protecting Americans Kids! Who cares if he is gay... only if he is a sexual preditor! Id be saying the same thing had Hastert knew Foley was doing the exact same thing to girls!
Speakers jobs have been lost before for far less than this. I'm surprised he is attempting to hang... At some point he has to realize he is hurting the "cause".
He can't resign for this stupidity. He needs to stand up to this attack of slime by the dems. Expose them for the gay basher they are.
He can't resign for this stupidity. He needs to stand up to this attack of slime by the dems. Expose them for the gay basher they are.

Ya, its a slime attack by the Democrats...

Is it? The law in D.C. says 16 is old enough. It is more like inappropriate e-mail to young adults considered old enough to make their own decisions on this.

Honestly. From what I have read it doesn't appear to have been a broken law anywhere....

If there is, please correct me... I'm not trying to defend this. People who get in those offices should be able to control their urges.
Is it? The law in D.C. says 16 is old enough. It is more like inappropriate e-mail to young adults considered old enough to make their own decisions on this.

Honestly. From what I have read it doesn't appear to have been a broken law anywhere....

If there is, please correct me... I'm not trying to defend this. People who get in those offices should be able to control their urges.
I agree: I don't see that any laws have been broken. There are criminal investigations in progress but, unless they turn up some evidence that the papers have not, I doubt they'll amount to anything.

Which is not to say that what Foley did was right. Many things that aren't illegal are still unethical or immoral.

Foley is 52 years old. He's also in a position of power with respect to any House page. Those two facts combine to make his sexual pursuit of ANY page -- male or female -- entirely inappropriate and, frankly, disgusting.

There's something wrong with any 52 year old who actively pursues teenagers for sex.
I agree: I don't see that any laws have been broken. There are criminal investigations in progress but, unless they turn up some evidence that the papers have not, I doubt they'll amount to anything.

Which is not to say that what Foley did was right. Many things that aren't illegal are still unethical or immoral.

Foley is 52 years old. He's also in a position of power with respect to any House page. Those two facts combine to make his sexual pursuit of ANY page -- male or female -- entirely inappropriate and, frankly, disgusting.

There's something wrong with any 52 year old who actively pursues teenagers for sex.
I fully agree. Just as I believed the same with the Pres and an Intern...

The position of power makes it IMO wrong. He was right to resign and should have had to long ago.
The repubs are the ones doing the gay bashing to their own man, and the ones who covered for him. They feel betrayed.
There doesn't appear to be any actual sex involved, maybe some cyber sex but even that is questionable. And it didn't involve Hastert.
The most Hastert seemed to know was that maybe Foley was a fag. He would have been killed in the media if he had outed a fag.