APP - Hate and Nuts in America


Why are so many Americans batshit crazy? Today more than ever? Recently I saw a coming attraction for a show about Americans preparing for Armageddon, survivalists and other nutcases who think the end is near. Remember the Pastor who preached the end was upon us and then it was behind us. So what can we make of the hate groups and militia groups forming all the time? What can this fear and blind stupidity be attributed to? Is our education system so bad that reasoned thought has become obsolete? Is the influence of the oddball religious so strong that any nonsense attracts followers? Are all these nuts home-schooled by other nuts? Is radical rightwing media the cause? And then consider all the conspiracy crazies? How much of this growth in craziness can be attributed to the changing demographics and the 2008 presidential election?

"The swelling of the Patriot movement since that time has been astounding. From 149 groups in 2008, the number of Patriot organizations skyrocketed to 512 in 2009, shot up again in 2010 to 824, and then, last year, jumped to 1,274. That works out to a staggering 755% growth in the three years ending last Dec. 31. Last year’s total was more than 400 groups higher than the prior all-time high, in 1996.

Meanwhile, the SPLC counted 1,018 hate groups operating in the United States last year, up from 1,002 in 2010. That was the latest in a string of annual increases going all the way back to 2000, when there were 602 hate groups. The long-running rise seemed for most of that time to be a product of hate groups’ very successful exploitation of the issue of non-white immigration. Obama’s election and the crashing economy have played a key role in the last three years." Report documents explosive growth of hate groups in America | San Diego Gay and Lesbian News

Number of Hate Groups Up 5 Percent From Last Year | Southern Poverty Law Center

Mark Potok discusses the causes for the growth of hate groups in America - Countdown with Keith Olbermann // Current TV

Number of Antigay Hate Groups Rises 60 Percent | News | The Advocate

The real reason hate groups have increased, SPLC added a new category: the Manosphere.


From the SPLC's introduction to the misogyny report:

The so-called “manosphere” is peopled with hundreds of websites, blogs and forums dedicated to savaging feminists in particular and women, very typically American women, in general. Although some of the sites make an attempt at civility and try to back their arguments with facts, they are almost all thick with misogynistic attacks that can be astounding for the guttural hatred they express. What follows are brief descriptions of a dozen of these sites. Another resource is the Man Boobz website (, a humorous pro-feminist blog (its tagline is “Misogyny: I Mock It”) that keeps a close eye on these and many other woman-hating sites.

It is truly sublime that a group the DHS cited in its controversial report on right-wing terrorism now turns to a website called "Man Boobz" for its hate-group reporting. More sublime is the fact that the SPLC has listed a D.C.-area pickup artist who goes by RooshV in its list of women-haters:

Roosh Vörek is a Maryland-raised PUA (“pick up artist”) whose specialty is sex with foreign women; his blog is a sales vehicle for his books like Bang: The Pick Up Bible and Bang Iceland: How to Sleep With Icelandic Women in Iceland, which one Icelandic feminist group described as a “rape guide.” Vörek likes to talk about his many “notches” (seductions) and such things as “American cunts who I want to hate fuck.” He adds: “I’ll be the first to admit that many of my bangs in the United States were hate fucks. The masculine attitude and lack of care these women put into their style or hair irritated me, so I made it a point to fuck them and never call again.”

Take note, America: Having consensual sex (Roosh is not a rapist, but a seducer*) with someone you don't actually like and then never calling her/him again will land you in a reputation-ruining** SPLC report.
Why are so many Americans batshit crazy? Today more than ever? Recently I saw a coming attraction for a show about Americans preparing for Armageddon, survivalists and other nutcases who think the end is near. Remember the Pastor who preached the end was upon us and then it was behind us. So what can we make of the hate groups and militia groups forming all the time? What can this fear and blind stupidity be attributed to? Is our education system so bad that reasoned thought has become obsolete? Is the influence of the oddball religious so strong that any nonsense attracts followers? Are all these nuts home-schooled by other nuts? Is radical rightwing media the cause? And then consider all the conspiracy crazies? How much of this growth in craziness can be attributed to the changing demographics and the 2008 presidential election?

"The swelling of the Patriot movement since that time has been astounding. From 149 groups in 2008, the number of Patriot organizations skyrocketed to 512 in 2009, shot up again in 2010 to 824, and then, last year, jumped to 1,274. That works out to a staggering 755% growth in the three years ending last Dec. 31. Last year’s total was more than 400 groups higher than the prior all-time high, in 1996.

Meanwhile, the SPLC counted 1,018 hate groups operating in the United States last year, up from 1,002 in 2010. That was the latest in a string of annual increases going all the way back to 2000, when there were 602 hate groups. The long-running rise seemed for most of that time to be a product of hate groups’ very successful exploitation of the issue of non-white immigration. Obama’s election and the crashing economy have played a key role in the last three years." Report documents explosive growth of hate groups in America | San Diego Gay and Lesbian News

Number of Hate Groups Up 5 Percent From Last Year | Southern Poverty Law Center

Mark Potok discusses the causes for the growth of hate groups in America - Countdown with Keith Olbermann // Current TV

Number of Antigay Hate Groups Rises 60 Percent | News | The Advocate

when things change too much and too fast, the unstable and conservatives react with fear and loathing

especially if scotus supports those changes
I don't think hate groups are limited to the US. I know Germany and Japan have large numbers of nutball groups too.
I think they're just concerns about the 'tough decisions that must be made'. Nobody will ever say what those are exactly.
Authoritarians attack the males of their target population, because those are the ones who would stand up to their rule. Women are pushovers who instantly succumb to authority.
Authoritarians attack the males of their target population, because those are the ones who would stand up to their rule. Women are pushovers who instantly succumb to authority.

You must know few women? I wish my wife had a minute with you - a long time teacher whose room of teenagers goes dead quiet at her entrance.

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen

Philip Zimbardo shows how people become monsters ... or heroes | Video on

and if you read: Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing (9780195189490): James Waller: Books