Hate in America

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
It's good that organization like the SPLC are tracking groups and individuals

Inside the trump cabal, trump is placing some of these vermin in his junta

By Slate Staff
Since the election of President Donald Trump, news outlets and social media accounts have swelled with reports of swastikas at schools, racist taunts, and other hate-fueled attacks and acts of intimidation. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which has aggregated media reports and gathered submissions from its website, catalogued 1064 such incidents, 13 of which were later debunked as false reports, in the first month after Trump won the presidency. (Twenty-six of those incidents were perpetrated against Trump supporters.) The SPLC has presented that data in aggregate, creating an invaluable record of the scope of post-election hate crimes.
