Have all the possible dangers been considered?


The drill bit on the Schramm T-130 is getting very, very close. There are reports that it, in fact, broke through on Thursday.
If it didnt, and I suspect this to be the case, the penetration of the last few metres must procede with ultimate care.
The haven in which the miners have been sheltering is obviously man-made and must, therefore, have been blasted out. In such a case the rock above might be fractured for two or three metres or even more, depending on the rock type. The drill bit could loosen the rock above the spring line and cause pretty disastrous rock falls. One would hope that the rock has been bolted and held under tension but we dont know.
They are talking of a partial lining to the hole but after all this time it seems to me that for the sake of a day or two extra a full steel lining should be installed.
The next thing that concerns me, and not being there one doesn't know everything, is what happens if the cage gets stuck? To this end they should lower a winch, in pieces obviously, so the miners can anchor it and connect a cable to the underside of the cage to pull it back down if anything goes wrong.
I hope these precautions have been taken or that sufficient data is available to prove it unnecessary.
Meanwhile we continue to bite our finger nails.

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Wow. I have to read the blogs more often. LOL. Getting to this late after they've all been saved.