Have pharmaceutical companies conspired to supress effective treatments for Covid19?


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I was watching a recent discussion with Bret Weinstein. It was suggested the current media stance towards treatments of covid 19 makes little sense.

As a speculation could the suppression of effective treatments and the promotion of vaccines as the only solution to the current pandemic, be a conspiracy from the pharmaceutical companies and maybe other interests to impose vaccines, vaccine passports and other new restrictions on the global population?

You can watch the general discussion here with Bret Weinstein here...

Any thoughts?
Just an addition as I guess some of you wont actually watch the discussion. :) "if there were effective treatments for covid 19 pharmaceutical companies would never have been given emergency authorisation for vaccines" Bret Weinstein.

And we have seen every suggestion of an effective treatment rubbished in the media, HCQ originally claimed to be effective by a doctor in France was then claimed in a study to be completely ineffective, the media then widely reported this study, a study which was then retracted as it was shown to be a faulty study, the media paid no attention ofcourse and continued to rubbish the suggestion HCQ worked. Subsequent studies have also been claimed to be faulty as HCQ would be, as a preventative treatment, need to be taken with zinc and high dose vitamin c and given before the damage has been done by the infection, sadly it appears all the subsequent studies have given HCQ without zinc and vitamin C and also given HCQ late on in the infection after the damage is done. American Frountline doctors an organisation made up of doctors working across America in A and E departments have been arguing against media suppression and citing HCQ as an effective treatment. Ofcourse this is one example with one treatment yet this same scenario appears to be being repeated with other treatments also.

So bad studies suggesting all treatments are ineffective and so putting vaccines as the only solution.
I was watching a recent discussion with Bret Weinstein. It was suggested the current media stance towards treatments of covid 19 makes little sense.

As a speculation could the suppression of effective treatments and the promotion of vaccines as the only solution to the current pandemic, be a conspiracy from the pharmaceutical companies and maybe other interests to impose vaccines, vaccine passports and other new restrictions on the global population?

You can watch the general discussion here with Bret Weinstein here...

Any thoughts?

To Jolly: Do you agree with the premise in this thread?

I was watching a recent discussion with Bret Weinstein. It was suggested the current media stance towards treatments of covid 19 makes little sense.

As a speculation could the suppression of effective treatments and the promotion of vaccines as the only solution to the current pandemic, be a conspiracy from the pharmaceutical companies and maybe other interests to impose vaccines, vaccine passports and other new restrictions on the global population?

You can watch the general discussion here with Bret Weinstein here...

Any thoughts?

To Jolly: The people who died, or crippled, after being vaccinated is a lot more than circumstantial evidence.

Evidence that vaccines have associated dangers, that's not relevant to weather there has been suppression of effective treatments to push vaccines as the only solution to the pandemic.

To repeat: if there were effective treatments, emergency authorisations for vaccines would never have been granted.
Evidence that vaccines have associated dangers, that's not relevant to weather there has been suppression of effective treatments to push vaccines as the only solution to the pandemic.

To Jolly: There is no health pandemic. Trillions of tax dollars going to the Parasite Class ad infinitum is the only pandemic. The entire thing has been a scare tactic fraud from day one.

There is no reliable proof that the coronavirus caused deaths being reported around the globe. Put it this way: A convicted murderer is hanged in Ulaanbaatar and his death is attributed to the coronavirus. A corpse is the only thing needed. Bottom line: A few million dollars out of billions will buy a lot of death certificates and government officials in foreign countries.


Television parasites report that a person WITH coronavirus died. As far as I know, the cause of death should be recorded on the death certificate, yet I never heard a television mouth say the corpse died FROM coronavirus.​


Americans who believe the lies the government tell them can take all of vaccines they want. American fools are the same kind of people that were victims of Big Pharma’s thalidomide in foreign countries.

I think everyone knows what a farce the FDA is as it now operates in the area of drug licensing. I want to go back 59 years for youngsters who do not know about thalidomide by comparing moneygrubbing filth like Fauci over at the CDC to Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey:


Bottom line: The solution to the fake pandemic problem is stopping the government from forcing everybody to get vaccinated.

. . . the government lying about COVID-19 is a classic Big Lie. The lie started with the number of deaths a simple flu supposedly killed. The lie grew into the government saving lives with vaccines. The biggest lies will come covering up the number of deaths forced vaccination will cause.


To repeat: if there were effective treatments, emergency authorisations for vaccines would never have been granted.

To Jolly: Several dugs, including hydroxychloroquine, is effective in curing a seasonal flu without side effects than is all the crippling vaccines the government authorized, yet media liars quickly labeled hydroxychloroquine ‘unproven.’ The irrefutable proof will come after millions of American guinea pigs are crippled by vaccines.

Dr. Cole said he saw a study that said 3% of injuries from the Covid vaccine will be permanent: “If you figure 100 million people got the shots, that’s 3 million with a permanent injury.”

Dr. Cole on Covid Jabs: “We’ve Seen More Deaths From This Shot Than All Vaccines in the Last 20 Years Combined” (AUDIO)
By Cristina Laila
Published May 12, 2021 at 4:45pm



NOTE: The number will rise to 30 million-plus after the entire population is vaccinated.

I repeat: Trillions of tax dollars is the only reason “. . . emergency authorisations . . .” were granted.
To Jolly: There is no health pandemic. Trillions of tax dollars going to the Parasite Class ad infinitum is the only pandemic. The entire thing has been a scare tactic fraud from day one.

There is no reliable proof that the coronavirus caused deaths being reported around the globe. Put it this way: A convicted murderer is hanged in Ulaanbaatar and his death is attributed to the coronavirus. A corpse is the only thing needed. Bottom line: A few million dollars out of billions will buy a lot of death certificates and government officials in foreign countries.


Television parasites report that a person WITH coronavirus died. As far as I know, the cause of death should be recorded on the death certificate, yet I never heard a television mouth say the corpse died FROM coronavirus.​


Americans who believe the lies the government tell them can take all of vaccines they want. American fools are the same kind of people that were victims of Big Pharma’s thalidomide in foreign countries.

I think everyone knows what a farce the FDA is as it now operates in the area of drug licensing. I want to go back 59 years for youngsters who do not know about thalidomide by comparing moneygrubbing filth like Fauci over at the CDC to Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey:


Bottom line: The solution to the fake pandemic problem is stopping the government from forcing everybody to get vaccinated.

. . . the government lying about COVID-19 is a classic Big Lie. The lie started with the number of deaths a simple flu supposedly killed. The lie grew into the government saving lives with vaccines. The biggest lies will come covering up the number of deaths forced vaccination will cause.


To Jolly: Several dugs, including hydroxychloroquine, is effective in curing a seasonal flu without side effects than is all the crippling vaccines the government authorized, yet media liars quickly labeled hydroxychloroquine ‘unproven.’ The irrefutable proof will come after millions of American guinea pigs are crippled by vaccines.

Dr. Cole said he saw a study that said 3% of injuries from the Covid vaccine will be permanent: “If you figure 100 million people got the shots, that’s 3 million with a permanent injury.”

Dr. Cole on Covid Jabs: “We’ve Seen More Deaths From This Shot Than All Vaccines in the Last 20 Years Combined” (AUDIO)
By Cristina Laila
Published May 12, 2021 at 4:45pm



NOTE: The number will rise to 30 million-plus after the entire population is vaccinated.

I repeat: Trillions of tax dollars is the only reason “. . . emergency authorisations . . .” were granted.

Again you are discussing vaccines and there dangers, that the pandemic is a plandemic. That's all extra stuff outside the actual topic of a conspiracy to supress treatments. You're not being focused.
Again you are discussing vaccines and there dangers, that the pandemic is a plandemic. .

To Jolly: Creating words like “plandemic” smacks of perverted doublespeak. So what in hell is a plandemic in your world?

To Jolly: There is no health pandemic. Trillions of tax dollars going to the Parasite Class ad infinitum is the only pandemic. The entire thing has been a scare tactic fraud from day one.

That's all extra stuff outside the actual topic of a conspiracy to supress treatments.

To Jolly: The Parasite Class’ political agenda:



You're not being focused.

To Jolly: You focus on your talking points. I will focus on exposing the fraud.
To Jolly: Creating words like “plandemic” smacks of perverted doublespeak. So what in hell is a plandemic in your world?

A planned pandemic.

To Jolly: You focus on your talking points. I will focus on exposing the fraud.

Right now all you are doing is adding information to a discussion that acts more as a distraction and changes the topic, some might consider it as an act of trolling.

You can make an expose the fraud thread. You don't need to add that information here.
A planned pandemic.

To Jolly: How did the Parasite Class plan a worldwide disease?


1. Widespread; general.

2. Medicine. Epidemic over a wide geographic area: pandemic influenza.

A pandemic disease.

The fraud was planned.

Right now all you are doing is adding information to a discussion that acts more as a distraction and changes the topic, some might consider it as an act of trolling.

To Jolly: My responses said what I wanted to say.

Incidentally, I seldom respond to threads started by liberals. You are new on JPP; so I wanted to make sure that you are just another liberal trying to be clever.

You can make an expose the fraud thread.

To Jolly: I do just that in countless threads.

You don't need to add that information here.

To Jolly: Nothing changes. Another liberal attempting to confine the dialogue to their worldview.

Controlling the so-called pandemic dialogue is no different than the libs tried with Socialism and Capitalism.

As far back as 19 years ago Socialists on my second message board tried to limit the topic to economics —— i.e. Socialism versus Capitalism. Nothing else was allowed until I arrived. Happily, I won that debate after countless messages of mine were removed and eventually put back. In short: Every aspect of Socialism and capitalism was then allowed. Since then every board I posted messages on accused me of espousing conspiracy theories regardless of the topic. Every Lib attacked me personally because they could not defend the Democrat Party’s agenda any better than Socialists could defend their religion 19 years ago. (Personal attacks replaced defending the Democrat Party’s political agenda.)


Note that accusing me of trolling is a variation on accusing me of espousing conspiracy theories.

Finally, you can rest easy. Now that I know what you are I will not be reading or responding to your threads.
Have pharmaceutical companies conspired to supress effective treatments for Covid19?

You're asking the wrong question. The correct question is Was One Needed In The First Place?
To Jolly: How did the Parasite Class plan a worldwide disease?

How a pandemic could be planned. Is a question, but it's for another thread.


1. Widespread; general.

2. Medicine. Epidemic over a wide geographic area: pandemic influenza.

A pandemic disease.
The fraud was planned.

To Jolly: My responses said what I wanted to say.

Ok what relevance did it have to the topic?

Incidentally, I seldom respond to threads started by liberals. You are new on JPP; so I wanted to make sure that you are just another liberal trying to be clever.
To Jolly: I do just that in countless threads.

Maybe you shouldn't.


To Jolly: Nothing changes. Another liberal attempting to confine the dialogue to their worldview.

Quite the contrary, the thread is to a specific question, if you added nothing but distractions, what are you doing?

Controlling the so-called pandemic dialogue is no different than the libs tried with Socialism and Capitalism.

Which isnt what is happening, filling up a thread with unrelated information, is doing nothing but destroying the discussion.

As far back as 19 years ago Socialists on my second message board tried to limit the topic to economics —— i.e. Socialism versus Capitalism. Nothing else was allowed until I arrived. Happily, I won that debate after countless messages of mine were removed and eventually put back. In short: Every aspect of Socialism and capitalism was then allowed. Since then every board I posted messages on accused me of espousing conspiracy theories regardless of the topic. Every Lib attacked me personally because they could not defend the Democrat Party’s agenda any better than Socialists could defend their religion 19 years ago. (Personal attacks replaced defending the Democrat Party’s political agenda.)

Note that accusing me of trolling is a variation on accusing me of espousing conspiracy theories.

I didnt accuse you of trolling, I suggested some might consider it to be what you are doing, trolls by definition seek to disrupt and destroy discussion. Currently your not helping your case.

Finally, you can rest easy. Now that I know what you are I will not be reading or responding to your threads.

You have assumptions and nothing else.
Would a vaccine patent holder use a duplicitous infotainment media to spread ridicule of effective treatments and cover it up with an army of paid shills all over web forums?

Are you fucking stupid? Why would you need to ask?
I was watching a recent discussion with Bret Weinstein. It was suggested the current media stance towards treatments of covid 19 makes little sense.

As a speculation could the suppression of effective treatments and the promotion of vaccines as the only solution to the current pandemic, be a conspiracy from the pharmaceutical companies and maybe other interests to impose vaccines, vaccine passports and other new restrictions on the global population?

You can watch the general discussion here with Bret Weinstein here...

Any thoughts?

There's quite a few things people are trying to accomplish with the covid hypochondria scare. For all but a few who could just as easily die from their next fart, covid is a mild cold. The whole of its symptoms not usually exceeding a fever of 38.5 for two days and loss of smell for six. It's only deadly to a small portion of the population prone to cancer and opiate addicts who already have heroin pneumonia. It's honestly helping to wipe out junkies everywhere which is a really good thing since junkies without junk are a true horror to behold. Now that the afghan pederast heroin cartel heroin spigot has been turned off, there's not enough resorces to go around between the junkies that want to get free and the ones just looking for their lucky hotshot off this earth.

Everyone who can find a silver lining to this nonsensical nightmare is doing it. Even and especially vax companies pushing trash vax with impunity. When you dont have to prepare for lawsuits you can reinvest all your profits to maximize your next quarter. They could land huge paychecks making manditory vax laws. What they're not considering, there's a whole lot of people who already had covid. No one would take an experimental vax for a disease they already earned a natural immunity to from having it. The real fact is that for most people, the covid disease has far fewer side effects than the vax meant to prevent it. Vax companies can get the pukestream media for next to free being they're already on the anti theist kick for some time now and no one knows what it looks like when they're caught treating science as a new religion. Science is not a belief.