Hawaiian prisioners in KY


Villified User
I just found out the a privatized prison in eastern Kentucky has a contract to house Hawaiian prisoners. What is up with that? How can the prisoners relatives visit them?
Just thank the reight wingers and Correction Corporation of America.

btw the prison is under investigation for sexual abuse of prisoners.
KENTUCKY? JESUS KATY CHRIST ALL MIGHTY! Why not just execute the poor bastards? Isn't this violation of their right to be free from cruel and unussual punishment. I mean if I was a convicted felon and Hawaii and they gave me the choice between eating a cyanide capsule or going to Kentucky.....I'd have to seriously consider the capsule!
KENTUCKY? JESUS KATY CHRIST ALL MIGHTY! Why not just execute the poor bastards? Isn't this violation of their right to be free from cruel and unussual punishment. I mean if I was a convicted felon and Hawaii and they gave me the choice between eating a cyanide capsule or going to Kentucky.....I'd have to seriously consider the capsule!


Link to the "Excellence in corrections" site.

inmates do not have a right to be housed anywhere....if circumstances are so severe, such as overcrowding, then a state is justified in placing inmates in other states that have the facilities....

that is the law for now
inmates do not have a right to be housed anywhere....if circumstances are so severe, such as overcrowding, then a state is justified in placing inmates in other states that have the facilities....

that is the law for now
Ok...it's the law....but Kentucky? Oh the humanity!
Yeah putting those furriners in our fair state!

What this really shows is the business and profit in our prison system.

Each state should be responsible for their own prisoners. Period.

Of course the outcome might be is that we Kentuckians learn how to raise better pot from the HI folks. :clink:

Our #1 Ag crop could be improved.
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Each state should be responsible for their own prisoners. Period.

Hawaii is being responsible for their prisoners. They signed an agreement with Kentucky and Kentucky agreed to take a few.

That said, I don't think it's right to require a family to travel thousands of miles to see their loved ones in prison. This clearly isn't an ideal situation; Hawaii has one of the lowest prisoners per capita in the US, surely they can build an extra prison or two.
Hawaii is being responsible for their prisoners. They signed an agreement with Kentucky and Kentucky agreed to take a few.

That said, I don't think it's right to require a family to travel thousands of miles to see their loved ones in prison. This clearly isn't an ideal situation; Hawaii has one of the lowest prisoners per capita in the US, surely they can build an extra prison or two.

They signed an agreement with a private corporation in KY to take care of their prisoners.
Not the state of KY.

Just the business and profit of incarceration.
They signed an agreement with a private corporation in KY to take care of their prisoners.
Not the state of KY.

Just the business and profit of incarceration.

I think KY law allowed it though, and I doubt they could house Hawaiian prisoners without some sort of government approval. If there is no government oversight of this, I'm about as shocked as you are. Private prisons should definitely be banned.
I think KY law allowed it though, and I doubt they could house Hawaiian prisoners without some sort of government approval. If there is no government oversight of this, I'm about as shocked as you are. Private prisons should definitely be banned.

there is govt oversight for KY prisoners. Our last Republican guv did that.
On the out of state ones, I don't know. Might fall under interstate commerce law.
Considering the small amount of land in the Hawaiian Islands, deciding to outsource prisoners and not build new prisons makes perfect sense.
Considering the small amount of land in the Hawaiian Islands, deciding to outsource prisoners and not build new prisons makes perfect sense.

Yeah it might be considered inhumane to imprision them on the tops of gigantic volcanoes.

HI has plenty of land for prisons.
Hawaii is being responsible for their prisoners. They signed an agreement with Kentucky and Kentucky agreed to take a few.

That said, I don't think it's right to require a family to travel thousands of miles to see their loved ones in prison. This clearly isn't an ideal situation; Hawaii has one of the lowest prisoners per capita in the US, surely they can build an extra prison or two.

absolutely....especially given the fact that when an inmate maintain's close ties with family while doing time, their rehabilitation is quicker and longer lasting than those who do not....
I think KY law allowed it though, and I doubt they could house Hawaiian prisoners without some sort of government approval. If there is no government oversight of this, I'm about as shocked as you are. Private prisons should definitely be banned.

i agree about private prisons....

the way it works is....they are housed in KY, but are still serving time under HI laws, eg., their good time credits etc....also, if they get in trouble in KY, it is under HI law....CA is shipping them out by the thousands and KY, TN are the two main states....

prison system is a CASH COW
i agree about private prisons....

the way it works is....they are housed in KY, but are still serving time under HI laws, eg., their good time credits etc....also, if they get in trouble in KY, it is under HI law....CA is shipping them out by the thousands and KY, TN are the two main states....

prison system is a CASH COW

CCA is based in TN.

I wonder how much they donate to keep drug laws and such in place?
CCA is based in TN.

I wonder how much they donate to keep drug laws and such in place?

i have no doubt.............................

Hawaii is being responsible for their prisoners. They signed an agreement with Kentucky and Kentucky agreed to take a few.

That said, I don't think it's right to require a family to travel thousands of miles to see their loved ones in prison. This clearly isn't an ideal situation; Hawaii has one of the lowest prisoners per capita in the US, surely they can build an extra prison or two.

Who said the family was required to travel thousands of miles??
Who said the family was required to travel thousands of miles??

As a preriquisite to see their loved ones, a family is required to go thousands of miles. I'm not sure how I could make this concept more clear. I get the retarded point you are trying to make though: they could always just not see their loved ones.

I'm sure you find nothing wrong with that, being the sick conesvatard subhuman you are, but the human beings here disagree with you.
As a preriquisite to see their loved ones, a family is required to go thousands of miles. I'm not sure how I could make this concept more clear. I get the retarded point you are trying to make though: they could always just not see their loved ones.

I'm sure you find nothing wrong with that, being the sick conesvatard subhuman you are, but the human beings here disagree with you.

Then you meant that if they WANTED to travel the distance.
Gee; I guess they should have been spending time with their families, instead of committing crimes.

Now, is your complaint about the prisoners or the private prisons??