APP - He better have more than this

depends on how much fault is actually allotted and the severity of it. One thing you have to remember ILA is that you and I and some others have known a lot of this shit for more than a year, but there are a lot of normies out there that really don't know what is going on. An official IG report talking about how the FBI rigged shit for clinton will be big news for a lot of mouthbreathers out there. You're never going to see crooked clinton in orange though, we have to let thoughts like that go. Also don't forget we are getting multiple IG reports. I've lost count on which ones are going on.
depends on how much fault is actually allotted and the severity of it. One thing you have to remember ILA is that you and I and some others have known a lot of this shit for more than a year, but there are a lot of normies out there that really don't know what is going on. An official IG report talking about how the FBI rigged shit for clinton will be big news for a lot of mouthbreathers out there. You're never going to see crooked clinton in orange though, we have to let thoughts like that go. Also don't forget we are getting multiple IG reports. I've lost count on which ones are going on.

I agree with all of that, but he is still going to have to have more than Comey waited too long