He was just nervous about OBL showing up.


Villified User
Gaffe-prone Bush in fine form at APEC summit
'OPEC' forum filled with slips of the tongue, confusion for president

SYDNEY - Even for someone as gaffe-prone as U.S. President George W. Bush, he was in rare form on Friday, confusing APEC with OPEC and transforming Australian troops into Austrians.

Bush's tongue started slipping almost as soon as he started talking at a business forum on the eve of an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Sydney.

"Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for your introduction," he told Prime Minister John Howard. "Thank you for being such a fine host for the OPEC summit."
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As the audience of several hundred people erupted in laughter, Bush corrected himself and joked, "He invited me to the OPEC summit next year." Australia has never been a member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.


I guess he was just nervous about OBL showing up :)
From the same article:

"Later in his speech, Bush recounted how Howard had gone to visit "Austrian troops" last year in Iraq. There are, in fact, no Austrian troops there. But Australia has about 1,500 Australians military personnel in and around the country.

Upon finishing his speech, Bush took the wrong way off-stage and, looking slightly perplexed, had to be re-directed by Howard to a center-stage exit. "

They really need to change his medication....

And this is the "leader" we elected. I say we as in americans in general. I sure did not vote for the idiot.
To be honest it is now more of a surprise if the President successfully completes a public appearance without forgetting who he is, where he is, why he's there and what a door looks like.
From the same article:

"Later in his speech, Bush recounted how Howard had gone to visit "Austrian troops" last year in Iraq. There are, in fact, no Austrian troops there. But Australia has about 1,500 Australians military personnel in and around the country.

Upon finishing his speech, Bush took the wrong way off-stage and, looking slightly perplexed, had to be re-directed by Howard to a center-stage exit. "

They really need to change his medication....

And this is the "leader" we elected. I say we as in americans in general. I sure did not vote for the idiot.

And they claim he is not on the bottle. BS. We're lucky if that's all he's doing.
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Sounds like the crowd had a good time at the "comedy" show to me.

And this was the best guy we could find to lead our country ?

lets hear it. "Well at least we do not have Kerry"
The thing is, people on the right always touted the fact that Bush was "likable," and a "regular guy" who folks could see themselves having a beer with.

I'd hate drinking with this arrogant simpleton. I'd be bored silly...
The thing is, people on the right always touted the fact that Bush was "likable," and a "regular guy" who folks could see themselves having a beer with.

I'd hate drinking with this arrogant simpleton. I'd be bored silly...

Oh I know. If preferring a glass of wine with Bill Clinton or John Kerry, either one of whom have got to be at least a little interesting in a conversation, makes me an "elitist" than I guess I'm an elitist. But no one who knows me has ever called me that. Not enjoying playing beer pong with idiots is not considered being an "elitist" where I'm from.
Fox had to have something to quote to call this all just bush hatism.

So now we have yet more proof that the WH puts out lies.