He was such an hero


I think this deserves a Darwin award


Heartbroken boy, 14, hanged himself after unrequited love with girl he met on school trip


By Liz Hull
Last updated at 1:55 AM on 02nd October 2008

A lovesick schoolboy of 14 hanged himself from his bunk beds after being separated from a girl he had fallen for on a school trip.

Ben Perrin left a heartbreaking suicide note to 15-year-old Zoe McAllister, who he became besotted with after meeting at the EuroDisney theme park, near Paris, France, a few weeks earlier.

The young couple had been trying to arrange to meet each other, but lived 100 miles apart and Zoe was worried her parents wouldn't allow her to travel to see him.

On the morning of his death Ben sent a text message to Zoe, saying: 'I’m sorry, I love you more than anything in the world.'

He was found, dressed in his school uniform, with his school tie around his neck, hanging from his bunk beds by his older sister, Ellie, 17, later that day.

She cut him down and dialled 999, but paramedics were unable to save him.

An inquest heard that a series of suicide notes were found addressed to family and friends in his bedroom.

In a note to Zoe, Ben revealed he had been so nervous about speaking to her for the first time that he had initially been lost for words.

'Words don’t seem able to come out of my mouth when it comes to you,' he wrote.

'(But) after I heard your voice everything seemed to flood out.

'When we spoke I knew you were the girl I wanted to be with and my heart fluttered, but after you left a chill fell into the gap and I felt so alone, so stranded, so longing to be with you.

'I always said I would give my life just to see you again, but now I'm giving my life not to see you again.

'All I can think about is how amazing you are.

'I know you will be upset babe, but I want you to know I will be in heaven watching over you always.'

Important Note: He is not in heaven. He is, in fact, rotting right now.

Ben, a pupil at Emrys ap Iwan School, Abergele, north Wales, met Zoe, who lives in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, while on a school trip in February this year.

In a statement she told the inquest that she first noticed Ben because she liked his hairstyle.

But it wasn't until the following day, when they spotted each other while queuing for a ride, that they began chatting.

They exchanged email addresses and mobile phone numbers but after they returned home Ben's text messages started becoming 'more serious.'

'He said I made him feel like a better person,' she said.

Zoe added that Ben, who was a member of Abergele Swimming Club and competed for Wales in the sport, had wanted the pair to meet in Manchester, but she was worried her parents wouldn't agree.

She said he had sent her a text around a week before his death saying he had "problems" and there had been a lot of arguing at home.

Zoe received another text from Ben on the morning of his death, but only learned that he had died after reading about the tragedy on social networking Internet sites, which were flooded with tributes from his friends soon afterwards.

Ben's parents, Louise and Ray Perrin, who are separated, said they were unaware their son had any problems at school or home and had not noticed anything untoward about his mood.

Although there was no evidence he was being bullied, the hearing was told that Ben had confided in colleagues at a local butchers, where he worked part-time, that he had once been taunted by other pupils who called him 'gay.'

Mr Perrin, 45, an electrical engineer, said: 'Ben was a little star and my best friend. He had a lot of determination for everything he did.'

Mrs Perrin, 43, a business administration manager at an NHS hospital, described her son as a 'very normal teenager.'

'He had so much confidence and a bright and smiley personality, everybody loved him,' she added.

The couple also have an older son, Dan, 20.

Recording a verdict of suicide, Kirit Champaneria, assistant deputy coroner for north Wales, said no-one could have foreseen that Ben would take his own life.

'The only clue that there is to what might have been going on in Benjamin’s mind comes from the emails and text messages and the note left by him for this girl he met in Disneyland,' Mr Champaneria said.

'There is nothing at all to give a reason why.'
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There is almost never a sufficient "why" with suicides. Just pain and suffering for the loved ones left behind.

Such a tragedy.
I think this deserves a Darwin award


Heartbroken boy, 14, hanged himself after unrequited love with girl he met on school trip


By Liz Hull
Last updated at 1:55 AM on 02nd October 2008

A lovesick schoolboy of 14 hanged himself from his bunk beds after being separated from a girl he had fallen for on a school trip.

Ben Perrin left a heartbreaking suicide note to 15-year-old Zoe McAllister, who he became besotted with after meeting at the EuroDisney theme park, near Paris, France, a few weeks earlier.

The young couple had been trying to arrange to meet each other, but lived 100 miles apart and Zoe was worried her parents wouldn't allow her to travel to see him.

On the morning of his death Ben sent a text message to Zoe, saying: 'I’m sorry, I love you more than anything in the world.'

He was found, dressed in his school uniform, with his school tie around his neck, hanging from his bunk beds by his older sister, Ellie, 17, later that day.

She cut him down and dialled 999, but paramedics were unable to save him.

An inquest heard that a series of suicide notes were found addressed to family and friends in his bedroom.

In a note to Zoe, Ben revealed he had been so nervous about speaking to her for the first time that he had initially been lost for words.

'Words don’t seem able to come out of my mouth when it comes to you,' he wrote.

'(But) after I heard your voice everything seemed to flood out.

'When we spoke I knew you were the girl I wanted to be with and my heart fluttered, but after you left a chill fell into the gap and I felt so alone, so stranded, so longing to be with you.

'I always said I would give my life just to see you again, but now I'm giving my life not to see you again.

'All I can think about is how amazing you are.

'I know you will be upset babe, but I want you to know I will be in heaven watching over you always.'

Important Note: He is not in heaven. He is, in fact, rotting right now.

Ben, a pupil at Emrys ap Iwan School, Abergele, north Wales, met Zoe, who lives in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, while on a school trip in February this year.

In a statement she told the inquest that she first noticed Ben because she liked his hairstyle.

But it wasn't until the following day, when they spotted each other while queuing for a ride, that they began chatting.

They exchanged email addresses and mobile phone numbers but after they returned home Ben's text messages started becoming 'more serious.'

'He said I made him feel like a better person,' she said.

Zoe added that Ben, who was a member of Abergele Swimming Club and competed for Wales in the sport, had wanted the pair to meet in Manchester, but she was worried her parents wouldn't agree.

She said he had sent her a text around a week before his death saying he had "problems" and there had been a lot of arguing at home.

Zoe received another text from Ben on the morning of his death, but only learned that he had died after reading about the tragedy on social networking Internet sites, which were flooded with tributes from his friends soon afterwards.

Ben's parents, Louise and Ray Perrin, who are separated, said they were unaware their son had any problems at school or home and had not noticed anything untoward about his mood.

Although there was no evidence he was being bullied, the hearing was told that Ben had confided in colleagues at a local butchers, where he worked part-time, that he had once been taunted by other pupils who called him 'gay.'

Mr Perrin, 45, an electrical engineer, said: 'Ben was a little star and my best friend. He had a lot of determination for everything he did.'

Mrs Perrin, 43, a business administration manager at an NHS hospital, described her son as a 'very normal teenager.'

'He had so much confidence and a bright and smiley personality, everybody loved him,' she added.

The couple also have an older son, Dan, 20.

Recording a verdict of suicide, Kirit Champaneria, assistant deputy coroner for north Wales, said no-one could have foreseen that Ben would take his own life.

'The only clue that there is to what might have been going on in Benjamin’s mind comes from the emails and text messages and the note left by him for this girl he met in Disneyland,' Mr Champaneria said.

'There is nothing at all to give a reason why.'

This is extremely sad Wm. I wouldn’t call it a Darwin award.
Suicides, especially by the very young, always seem like such a tragic waste.

So much potential and so much life yet to be lived.
Suicides, especially by the very young, always seem like such a tragic waste.

So much potential and so much life yet to be lived.

I know, it’s so awful. If all of the people who are geeks, and idiots, and misfits in high school, killed themselves, we’d have a lot fewer geniuses, inventors, writers, actors, artists, etc.
I know, it’s so awful. If all of the people who are geeks, and idiots, and misfits in high school, killed themselves, we’d have a lot fewer geniuses, inventors, writers, actors, artists, etc.

That is the worst of it. Those who seem to have trouble adjusting in high school or trouble fitting in often have so much better lives after school.

But how do you tell a love-smitten 14 year old that life will be better later?

It was my greatest fear when my kids were in high school. They were the intellectual nerdy types. (saved me all the crap my parents went thru) Now they are the great young adults.
A permenant solution to a temporary problem.

The emotions and their depths are so new to people who are so young that they can not believe that they will subside.

Learning how to opperate these bodies of ours can some times be so overwhelmingto the young.

Emotions can be so heady and engrossing that the new opperators become confused and impulsive that they lose their sense of reality.

Poor kid, poor family and especially poor sister who found him.
This story is so sad, and really makes me fear for my own children who are just now 3. I can raise them to be strong and confident, but I know how so much of that changes around puberty. I worked as a jr. high teacher for 5 years before moving to elementary, and the changes I witnessed in children between 6th grade and 8th grade were often drastic. It doesn't help that children can often be so cruel at that age.
I really feel for the family. First to lose a kid, a brother, etc. Then to have it all spread on the news, including the suicide notes. I'd have a hard time not taking my grief out on some of those who tortured me after my son died in this manner.
I really feel for the family. First to lose a kid, a brother, etc. Then to have it all spread on the news, including the suicide notes. I'd have a hard time not taking my grief out on some of those who tortured me after my son died in this manner.

I agree, Damo. I am always amazed at the gall the news people have. I have seen them talking to victim's families and ask "How do you feel?"

I hope I never get the chance, but if I do I am going to answer "I feel like beating the shit out of the first reporter who asks me a stupid question".

I hadn't thought about the stuff being spread all over. That would make it tougher. You are already going to be asking yourself what you could have done to prevent it. But to have the world peeping nto your life at the worst time would make it worse.
i don't really care about this kid or his family, I think it's funny. He was very stupid.

One thing I've always wondered is how these little kids figure out how to hang themselves, I mean I would think that's pretty complicated... seriously did he just do a lot of google research or something?

Also watermark, no one understands the "an hero" reference except me, and that's because you told me about it. Stop it already.
i don't really care about this kid or his family, I think it's funny. He was very stupid.

One thing I've always wondered is how these little kids figure out how to hang themselves, I mean I would think that's pretty complicated... seriously did he just do a lot of google research or something?

Also watermark, no one understands the "an hero" reference except me, and that's because you told me about it. Stop it already.

I get a pass on being an asshole on this thread cus I've been through all that shit before anyway and my cousin just died.

OH FUCK YOU! I'll just shutup already.
ok lets run down the list of people who died in my family:

grandfather - age, no biggie
grandmother - age and some diseases, i was close to her but whatevs

other grandmother - hit by a drunk driver, who crossed the median on the highway and rammed her, she went through the windshield.

my childhood friend - died of diabetes/compications of.. i never learned all the details

my aunt... she had a heart attack and died. she wasn't found for three weeks
two cousins? wtf. jeez i would make a joke about inbreeding down there but i know this is a sensitive time for you.
two cousins? wtf. jeez i would make a joke about inbreeding down there but i know this is a sensitive time for you.

I have about 15 aunts and uncles Grind. One was a first cousin, he had down syndrome died when he was thirteen of Leukemia, and the recent one was a second cousin.