APP - Heading into the midterms


Former Vice President
So the conventional wisdom being parroted by the Wizards of Smart goes like this

“The democrat base is even more fired up to vote in November and now that the Republicans have won they are likely to take their eye off the ball”

The new narrative will be that “30 days is a lifetime and Republicans are gonna forget”

Well as always JPP is fortunate to have my deep level analysis to break things down for you.

It is true the left is “animated” but not in a good way. Like petulant children they are throwing tantrums and are going to act out in ways not becoming to the party. At a certain point even Chuck U Schumer will say that “they are not being helpful”. At which point the rabid lefties will call them sellouts

Conversely this sordid affair has done something I thought not possible. It has united NeverTrumpers and Trump supporters. In hindsight Trumps pick of Kavanaugh was brilliant. Kavanaugh was a Bush 43 guy. And while 43 may detest Trump he couldn’t stand by and watch the left destroy Kavanaugh. Word is that Bush worked feverishly behind the scenes with people like Flake and Collins.

So while the left is about to be divided heading into the mid terms the GOP is united for the first time in two years

Yes 30 days is a long time in politics but anyone thinking that republicans are going to forget what just happened in that time must think they are going to get a case of the Ballsey Ford. They will not forget.
So the conventional wisdom being parroted by the Wizards of Smart goes like this

“The democrat base is even more fired up to vote in November and now that the Republicans have won they are likely to take their eye off the ball”

The new narrative will be that “30 days is a lifetime and Republicans are gonna forget”

Well as always JPP is fortunate to have my deep level analysis to break things down for you.

It is true the left is “animated” but not in a good way. Like petulant children they are throwing tantrums and are going to act out in ways not becoming to the party. At a certain point even Chuck U Schumer will say that “they are not being helpful”. At which point the rabid lefties will call them sellouts

Conversely this sordid affair has done something I thought not possible. It has united NeverTrumpers and Trump supporters. In hindsight Trumps pick of Kavanaugh was brilliant. Kavanaugh was a Bush 43 guy. And while 43 may detest Trump he couldn’t stand by and watch the left destroy Kavanaugh. Word is that Bush worked feverishly behind the scenes with people like Flake and Collins.

So while the left is about to be divided heading into the mid terms the GOP is united for the first time in two years

Yes 30 days is a long time in politics but anyone thinking that republicans are going to forget what just happened in that time must think they are going to get a case of the Ballsey Ford. They will not forget.

I wonder how many liberals will be suffering depression in 2020 and will just not vote?? :dunno: