APP - Health and Happiness


APP is often filled with partisan threads, I admit guilt too. So for a change I thought I share some information that could help everyone. Of the twenty five things, I personally do most. For instance, I drink a pot of coffee or more each day. Olive oil not so much and one thing I will never do except as a favor for someone is walk a dog.

The four items are interesting too. Plastics are tough as they are everywhere, but I do try to use lots of glass and paper products. Medicine I ain't big on, except vitamin and mineral supplements in moderation.

And I'm not sure the women are happier piece is relevant or correct. Most of the women we know who are single are widowers, and finding consistently happy people of either sex can be a challenge I think. I am basically a contended happy person. Several people have told me they wish they had my sense of being. Enjoy and learn.

'Happy ever after: 25 ways to live well into old age'

'Toxic America: Is modern life poisoning us?'

Given my own life experiences this opinion is a toss up.

"The tepee is much better to live in: always clean, warm in winter, cool in summer; easy to move... Indians and animals know better how to live than white man; nobody can be in good health if he does not have all the time: fresh air, sunshine, and good water." Chief Flying Eagle of the Oglala Sioux
I don't need a library full of books to teach me how to live well. My best teacher has always been Christ. This can be summarized in contemporary vernacular: "pay it forward".

Next is Aristotle's Golden mean: 'moderation, never excess'.

Finally, after observing how members of my extended family have really screwed themselves up, I have developed other strategies for living a good life:

1. Choose your friends wisely. If you make the wrong choice, make a clean break.
2. Reduce stress.
3. Take time to maintain what you have in order to appreciate it more fully, both in material goods and relationships.
Liberals tend to have a false image of how a religious person is supposed to act. We are of a broad spectrum. My devout Catholic mother would get upset with me for "calling out" bad or unjust behavior. Yet Christ was constantly doing just that.

I think a lot of childhood behavioral issues are over-diagnosed. Both of my children had at one point or another exhibited one or two of the symptoms of autism on the CDC site. I certainly exhibited several myself. My daughter especially could have easily been diagnosed with ADHD, but we chose to manage her maddening behavior in similar ways that my parents did with me.
Off Topic Note: Lots of religious people are liberal, Christ was certainly liberal, check the 'Sermon on the Mount' sometime. America's conservative religious are too ideological and rigid. Their goals are control and not support in my opinion. But that is a characteristic of many religious. We are getting off topic. Start a thread if you like, but do this, honor the first amendment and do not ban those who see life differently.

"For some reason, the most vocal Christians among us never mention the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). But, often with tears in their eyes, they demand that the Ten Commandments be posted in public buildings. And of course, that's Moses, not Jesus. I haven't heard one of them demand that the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, be posted anywhere. "Blessed are the merciful" in a courtroom? "Blessed are the peacemakers" in the Pentagon? Give me a break!" Kurt Vonnegut
I came across this Doc when doing a search on gaslighting. I passed with high marks. lol

'The Top Five Indicators of a Healthy Personality'

Whatcha got against dogs ? Lots find interaction with dogs stress relieving.
Yes, im a "dog person" and to make it worse i just had to put my sweet girl down.
This is interesting. Years ago I read about it, but had forgotten till I can across this YouTube. I won't give away the answer but I once told my wife that if you have three genuine friends in life that's a good thing. She kinda disagrees. We have been married forever so that fits the talk's premise. What do you think.

'What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness' Robert Waldinger

Liberals tend to have a false image of how a religious person is supposed to act. We are of a broad spectrum. My devout Catholic mother would get upset with me for "calling out" bad or unjust behavior. Yet Christ was constantly doing just that.

I think a lot of childhood behavioral issues are over-diagnosed. Both of my children had at one point or another exhibited one or two of the symptoms of autism on the CDC site. I certainly exhibited several myself. My daughter especially could have easily been diagnosed with ADHD, but we chose to manage her maddening behavior in similar ways that my parents did with me.

I was wondering when "Liberals" would be brought up.
I was wondering when "Liberals" would be brought up.

This subforum has been created to encourage a higher level of conversation and debate. This subforum inherits all site wide rules, and has some additional caveats:

1. No racism, sexism, homophobia, general bigotry
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6. No thread de-railment. Please stay on topic.

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