Health Care in the United States


Will work for Scooby snacks
We've all seen the statistics. The United States spends far more per capita than any other developed country, on health care. Yet, we only insure about 80% of our citizens adequatly.

In addition, in terms of virtually every measure of healthcare, the United States is near the bottom for advanced nations: life expectancy, infant mortality, preventable medical disease.

However, last night on Cspan, an interesting statistic was presented. For those americans who do reach the age of 65, this age group is the healthiest on the planet. Numero Uno. Number One. That subset of americans (age 65 and over) have the longest life expectancy, recieve the best clinical and preventative health care and medicine.

And it just so happens that this subset of americans (65 and over) is the only group of americans that have access to universal healthcare (medicare). On balance, the american medical system is the best on the planet, once you reach the age of 65.

Cy, you can't really compare Medicare to a "unviersal healthcare" system...

It costs money to enroll in, it's basically fancy insurance, you can opt out, and all the other parts of our system are majorly defined by what the people outside of medicare do.

Sorry, just trying to be practical...
We've all seen the statistics. The United States spends far more per capita than any other developed country, on health care. Yet, we only insure about 80% of our citizens adequatly.

In addition, in terms of virtually every measure of healthcare, the United States is near the bottom for advanced nations: life expectancy, infant mortality, preventable medical disease.

However, last night on Cspan, an interesting statistic was presented. For those americans who do reach the age of 65, this age group is the healthiest on the planet. Numero Uno. Number One. That subset of americans (age 65 and over) have the longest life expectancy, recieve the best clinical and preventative health care and medicine.

And it just so happens that this subset of americans (65 and over) is the only group of americans that have access to universal healthcare (medicare). On balance, the american medical system is the best on the planet, once you reach the age of 65.


All I know is that in this time of my life and what I am going through, I am so thankful that Bud has good insurance!
I feel for people who don't.
I am fighting the insurance company over a bonding agent used by my reconstructive surgeon. It is made of human skin. It is "experimental" and they don't want to pay for it. It isn't cheap, either!