Health Care


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Here is an example from the state of Pennslyvania about the cost assoicated with universal healthcare.

CATO is of course a free-market libertarian think tank in case anyone is not familar with them.

Pennsylvania Finds No Easy Healthcare Fixes

"Gov. Edward G. Rendell, an unapologetic big-city liberal who campaigned as a health care reformer, might have been expected to propose a plan to cover the 900,000 Pennsylvanians who are uninsured," reports The New York Times. "And he did so, after winning reelection last year in a landslide. But like other governors in the vanguard of health policy, Mr. Rendell also concluded that such a move would be unaffordable, and perhaps politically unattainable, without serious efforts to control costs."

In "Universal Healthcare's Dirty Little Secrets," director of Cato's health and welfare studies Michael Tanner and director of health policy studies Michael Cannon write: "Simply saying that people have health insurance is meaningless. Many countries provide universal insurance but deny critical procedures to patients who need them. Britain's Department of Health reported in 2006 that at any given time, nearly 900,000 Britons are waiting for admission to National Health Service hospitals, and shortages force the cancellation of more than 50,000 operations each year. In Sweden, the wait for heart surgery can be as long as 25 weeks, and the average wait for hip replacement surgery is more than a year. Many of these individuals suffer chronic pain, and judging by the numbers, some will probably die awaiting treatment.

"Everyone agrees that far too many Americans lack health insurance. But covering the uninsured comes about as a byproduct of getting other things right. The real danger is that our national obsession with universal coverage will lead us to neglect reforms -- such as enacting a standard health insurance deduction, expanding health savings accounts and deregulating insurance markets -- that could truly expand coverage, improve quality and make care more affordable."
In France, Cawacko, there are no waiting lists. Everyone gets the healthcare their doctor thinks they need. And their system costs 10% of the GDP, compared to our 15%. AND they also have some parts of the system that most rational people would just consider ridiculously frivolous - and it's still cheaper.
I am so sick and tired of these evil lies.

Deregulating the insurance industry is the solution?

I'll tell you, even if the director of Cato's health and welfare studies, Michael Tanner's insurance plan tells him they're not paying for his daughter's bone marrow transplant because it's "expermental" the daughter of the director of Cato's health and welfare studies, Michael Tanner, is not going to die, she's going to live, because the director of Cato's health and welfare studies Michael Tanner, is a wealthy man. But someone's daughter will die.

He's an evil man. And if it is true that the first shall be last and the last shall be first, may he burn in hell when the time comes.
I don't know why we even pay attention to Cato, they just sell dresses.

They're whores who know full well what they are doing, but their followers are deluded.

I feel like crying from frustration when I read this shit, because I know that though the Cato whores who get on their knees for profit every morning don't believe this bullshit, Cawacko does believe is.

And he votes.

And people will die because of his votes, and the votes of people like him.

And that's not ok.
In France, Cawacko, there are no waiting lists. Everyone gets the healthcare their doctor thinks they need. And their system costs 10% of the GDP, compared to our 15%. AND they also have some parts of the system that most rational people would just consider ridiculously frivolous - and it's still cheaper.

Sounds good. Sign me up!
In France, Cawacko, there are no waiting lists. Everyone gets the healthcare their doctor thinks they need. And their system costs 10% of the GDP, compared to our 15%. AND they also have some parts of the system that most rational people would just consider ridiculously frivolous - and it's still cheaper.

Some bush whore tried to pull the "waiting lists" BS on me, with respect to canada. And he refereced some canadian association.

It took me 5 seconds on google, to find this canadian association he was using to fear monger about "waiting lists".

And you know what? I went to their website, and they were talking about problems in canada with waiting lists for elective surgery.

Well, what the fuck. If I wanted ELECTIVE surgery in this country, I wouldn't even get it if I didn't have insurance. And even if I did, I would have to wait for surgery that was elective, and wasn't life-threatening.

These CATO people lie and lie and lie. Its disgusting really
So, let's see what some Canadians think about the no Private Medicine restriction in Canada...

Of course they are just living it, not that they'd have any idea what they are talking about or something...

Amazingly they are moving toward Private Healthcare...

Oh, not everybody in Canada is 100% happy with their health care?

Well, then, let's scrap the whole thing!

What was I thinking.
Oh, not everybody in Canada is 100% happy with their health care?

Well, then, let's scrap the whole thing!

What was I thinking.
When did I say that? Strawman, Darla.

I said we should improve on it if we were to implement it here. One way is to not outlaw all private medicine.
When did I say that? Strawman, Darla.

I said we should improve on it if we were to implement it here. One way is to not outlaw all private medicine.

With what we spend on health care, I don't know anyone who advocates a universal system, who hasn't always said: We Can Do Better Than Anyone Else Is Doing.

We always say we are Number One. We are not.

But we can be.

So who is using the strawman?
With what we spend on health care, I don't know anyone who advocates a universal system, who hasn't always said: We Can Do Better Than Anyone Else Is Doing.

We always say we are Number One. We are not.

But we can be.

So who is using the strawman?
In this thread I have simply provided information from sources that were there, then pointed out that you once again attempted to give me an opinion where none was expressed.

The only strawman in the thread was yours.
In this thread I have simply provided information from sources that were there, then pointed out that you once again attempted to give me an opinion where none was expressed.

The only strawman in the thread was yours.

There is no Utopia. Constantly whining about some incident or complaint in Canada is what has kept us from having health care here.

It's a red herring and irrelevant.
There is no Utopia. Constantly whining about some incident or complaint in Canada is what has kept us from having health care here.

It's a red herring and irrelevant.
Except it isn't when people are praising it as one of the best out there. Posting information from people who actually have first-hand knowledge of something is not a "red herring" in such a discussion. Nor is it "irrelevant" in such a discussion.

You attempt to only regard information from editorials, written by people not living in the system, showing only the positive then attempt to dismiss actual information, written by people living the issue, regarding the negatives.