healthcare in shambles in this country.


Junior Member

first off,

i am in pain... major pain... i need more oxycodone or vicoden.

but they wont give it to me b/c they say that i shouldn't be in that much pain.

but WTF is that about, shouldn't i be in charge to know if im in pain and what i should be able to take??

im not a big pill person, im more into alcohol i don't really get high off pills, itsn ot really my bag...

so now im stuck in pain, while there are pain mediications out there but they wont give em to me b/c they are worried about me getting hooked on em even though i know i wont.
Just wait till you get older, they don't worry so much about us oldsters getting hooked. I have been on Hydrocodone for over 7 years and I am not hooked...
Where is that damned pill ?
No way he would be carrying buckshot if he came around here. No season on varmit shooting.
Are Rush and Rove illigetimate brothers ?
I do think we've gone way too far when doctors (and dentists) are afraid to prescribe pain medication for people who need it. And they are afraid: they get investigated if they prescribe whatever the DEA decides is "too much" controlled medication.

I know I'm preaching to the choir around here so this is fairly pointless. Nevertheless, this kind of paternalistic nonsense really hacks me off.
Well, I disagree Rob. Since my doctors are good and I have great affordable medical coverage that means everyone does.
you've been hanging around w/ hottie dave too much.

actually, years of messaging with Dano, have finally clicked: Screw you, Its all about me.

I've completely changed my agenda. Now my position will solely revolve around whether or not the issue at hand will increase or decrease traffic. For instance: kids smoking.....I'm now pro for obvious reasons.

first off,

i am in pain... major pain... i need more oxycodone or vicoden.

but they wont give it to me b/c they say that i shouldn't be in that much pain.

but WTF is that about, shouldn't i be in charge to know if im in pain and what i should be able to take??

im not a big pill person, im more into alcohol i don't really get high off pills, itsn ot really my bag...

so now im stuck in pain, while there are pain mediications out there but they wont give em to me b/c they are worried about me getting hooked on em even though i know i wont.

sorry to hear about you pain... i have alot of issues with my teeth, infact just had two pulled sevral weeks ago, one of em was infected, you should alternate between advil "ibbuffren" and tylenol, alleve sucks for mouth pain, atleast for me. you have dry sockets, achahol will only make it worse as well as smoking, and stick to just water as much as possible... good luck
I do think we've gone way too far when doctors (and dentists) are afraid to prescribe pain medication for people who need it. And they are afraid: they get investigated if they prescribe whatever the DEA decides is "too much" controlled medication.

I know I'm preaching to the choir around here so this is fairly pointless. Nevertheless, this kind of paternalistic nonsense really hacks me off.

How can it? You're a socialist!
actually, years of messaging with Dano, have finally clicked: Screw you, Its all about me.

I've completely changed my agenda. Now my position will solely revolve around whether or not the issue at hand will increase or decrease traffic. For instance: kids smoking.....I'm now pro for obvious reasons.
Sounds like Grindism to me.
Well, see, the masses get unruly. Opiates are good for them. That's why I'm pro-religious freedom, too. Gots to keep the proles happy, you know.
Eminently logical. A docile proletariat is a compliant proletariat. BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA. Heap on the new season of reality shows and VOILA - Putty in their master's hands.