Hell on Earth


Will work for Scooby snacks
Just some of the events in the last 24 hours in Iraq:

*09/23/06 AFP: Nine severed police heads found in Saddam's hometown

Nine severed heads of policemen were found in the central Iraqi city of Tikrit, the hometown of Saddam Hussein. Two boxes containing the heads were tossed out of a speeding car in the centre of Tikrit, the capital of Salaheddin province

*09/23/06 AP: Gunmen throw decapitated heads into open-air market in Beiji

In a grisly scene in Beiji, about 155 miles north of Baghdad, gunmen threw the decapitated heads of ten men into a popular open-air market at about 4:30 p.m., police said. They then fled the scene.

*09/23/06 Iraqi troops reluctant to help out in Baghdad

Only a quarter of the Iraqi Army forces that had been designated more than a month ago to work on security improvements in the capital have arrived, a sign of continuing problems with the government of Iraq's ability to command and move its troops.

*09/23/06 AFP: Eight injured in bombing that killed Danish soldier

One soldier was killed on the spot and a second was injured, although his life is not in danger, he said. Seven others were slightly injured...The injured were taken by a British helicopter to the army hospital at the headquarters...

*9/23/06 AP: Pa. soldier, 21, killed in suicide bombing in Baghdad

Jennifer Marie Hartman, 21, was in her barracks at a west Baghdad electrical substation that her unit was guarding when the Sept. 14 car bombing occurred, the Department of Defense said Friday. Two other soldiers were killed...

*09/23/06 AP: 32 Dead In Baghdad Explosion

A bomb blew up a kerosene tanker truck in Baghdad's Sadr City neighborhood on Saturday, killing at least 32 people...another 38 people were wounded by the 10 a.m. blast in the sprawling Shiite slum. People frantically carried survivors...

*09/23/06 AP: U.S. State Department contractor killed in rocket attack in Iraq

An American contractor working for the State Department was killed in a rocket attack in Basra, the U.S. Embassy said Saturday. The contractor was killed in an attack on the city, 340 miles southeast of Baghdad on Friday

*09/23/06 Reuters: Five bodies found in Mahmudiya

Police found five bodies bearing signs of torture and bullet wounds, in different parts of the small town of Mahmudiya just south of Baghdad, police said.

*09/22/06 KUNA: 48 dead bodies found in Suburbs of Iraq capital

A total number of 48 dead bodies were discovered here Friday, said a statement by the Iraqi police. ...28 bodies were discovered earlier this morning while, the others were found late this afternoon.

*09/22/06 AP: Iraq mosques attacked on Muslim holy day

Gunmen opened fire on Sunni mosques and homes in a religiously mixed Baghdad neighborhood Friday, killing four people in an attack that drew the condemnation of Sunni leaders across the city.

Its not a civil war, USC.

In fact, Dixie informs me that its "technically" not a war at all.
You're problem cypress is that you're not focusing on all the people that didn't die in the last couple of days. Why is you're cup always half empty?
You're problem cypress is that you're not focusing on all the people that didn't die in the last couple of days. Why is you're cup always half empty?
LOL. Today in the news. Damocles didn't die in Iraq today!
Exactly! Damo.

See how much more pleasant that was? There are millions of people in Iraq that didn't die today. The liberal media should focus on them instead.