Hello ALL!!


Junior Member
Wow its been a tough couple of weeks, been counting my money again and I had to sail on down to Mexico to check on the sweatshop im running, can you believe those w#tbacks had the audacity to ask for a 5 cent raise? So i fired em all.

Mexico has plenty of 5 year olds willing to work for 15 cents an hr, and the conversion factor works really well for me.

Then i went out to Colorado to go skiing, it was fabulous, I just love colorado in the winter, and its supposed to snow more so i may head back in there.

I had to stop at home in Utah, to see the exwife. she's after my money again that E Z hore.

then bubba and gumbo want some extra cash for harvard and one wanted to buy his girlfriend of 2 months a 3000 dollar diamond, i said sure.. your only in love 8 times in your life.. LOL

well i have to count da money again...