Hello Everyone, I am a Legend

Mine eyes have seen the glory
of the coming of the Grind
He is stamping out the vineyards
where the grapes of wrath are stored

Grind's truth is miarching on
Mine eyes have seen the glory
of the coming of the Grind
He is stamping out the vineyards
where the grapes of wrath are stored

Grind's truth is miarching on

He is trampling out a vintage
From his enemies behinds...

(rhymes better.)
For being the coolest poster on the internet, you get a free game night at your local board game store, where you can spend all night playing Warhammer or Dungeons & Dragons (whichever you prefer, cause you are the coolest). Just be prepared to meet other 'cool internet posters' there that might challenge your sainthood, and quickly challenge them to a one on one game of Magic the gathering. I'm sure you can win, cause only the coolest people do.
for those that don't know, I decided to check out the "other" messageboard, and my initial post was how great I was. I also did this at politics.com. It's my standard introduction.

The head moderator there pmed me and thought it was neccesary to let me know that I am not, in fact a legend, or "the anything" .. I'm just another regular poster just like everyone else :(

He's a retard, very similar to sr actually. I don't know how much longer I will be able to last there.
it's not the same word for word, but it's relatively the same idea, I just say everyone is lucky to now have me there, etc... some get really bent out of shape about it lol
Well my original thought was that it was Dixie.

Naw, you have to get Watermark and Grind humour (and mine, for that matter). Its on a completely different wavelength than Dix.

That, and you saying as much is just plain insulting, sir. I recommend getting your head out of your arse.
