hello everyone


a member named bob
hey yall... longtime no see.. or type i guess... whatever hows everyone doing.

any thing crazy happen here lately? whats new ?
hey yall... longtime no see.. or type i guess... whatever hows everyone doing.

any thing crazy happen here lately? whats new ?
Dixie finally slipped into an alternate universe fulltime. Someone reanimated his corpse, though, put an ass hat on it and gave it a keyboard. It's actually an improvement.
Dixie finally slipped into an alternate universe fulltime. Someone reanimated his corpse, though, put an ass hat on it and gave it a keyboard. It's actually an improvement.


I find AHZ more interesting than Dixie, so I agree that it's an improvement.
Dixie finally slipped into an alternate universe fulltime. Someone reanimated his corpse, though, put an ass hat on it and gave it a keyboard. It's actually an improvement.

lol... is actuly someone else or is relly dix...
thanks guys... well i got engaged finaly, after 5 years. we finaly hired another person for our it staff, now we total out at a wopping 3 people supporting around 400. but i cant complain atleast its an effort. still working mad hours, i hoping it will settel down a bit for summer but it dosnt seem like it going to happen, o well, better then not have a job.

other then that its the same old stuff here.
Sure Glad you are still kicking Bob, condolences on the engagement though ;)
But if you are happy with it what can I say .
Sure Glad you are still kicking Bob, condolences on the engagement though ;)
But if you are happy with it what can I say .

LOL... no kiddin... well its starting to make things a lil easier... atleast for now. i just figued hey why not, we have lived togeather for over 4years now, and are basicly togeather all the time besides at work. might as well. it made her varry happy, therefor i am happier, what the future holds well who knows. hopefuly good things
o ya ... my 94 honda accord finily bit the dust, well for the most part, it not drivable. so i went and picked up an 07 civc... and it kicks ass, i love it.

37 mile to the gallon! .... i wanted the hybrid but it was just a lil to expensive.
o ya ... my 94 honda accord finily bit the dust, well for the most part, it not drivable. so i went and picked up an 07 civc... and it kicks ass, i love it.

37 mile to the gallon! .... i wanted the hybrid but it was just a lil to expensive.

I know what you mean, I have been thinking of a hybrid, but too much and has bugs. I will keep driving my old 90 subie, gets around 34 MPG on trips and around 28 just running around. No payments and cheap insurance too.
Keep up a positive outlook and it will sure help the future be bright.

ya i hope so...

i tried to keep a positive outlook for our politicians, and well ... i will just leave it at that.

i guess i cant compare the two either. she is vary down to earth...
I know what you mean, I have been thinking of a hybrid, but too much and has bugs. I will keep driving my old 90 subie, gets around 34 MPG on trips and around 28 just running around. No payments and cheap insurance too.

i wish i could have kept driving the accord, but i got pulled over a few times, no tickits just warnings...

speaking of that, one officer, i dont think he could have writen a tickit, he was laughing too hard. he pulled me over for noise, my exausht shook his car when i passed him, then he made it up to my car, and found that my driver side window dosnt roll down, and that i have a wrench to adjust the climet controls, and my lil weather radio scince my car stereo and most of my dash electionics didnt work. i think the only thing left working on the dash was the RPM gauge.

so now i plan on fixing it up so i dont get pulled over anymore, and will plan on leaving it at the train depot when it is built, down by work.
I know what you mean, I have been thinking of a hybrid, but too much and has bugs. I will keep driving my old 90 subie, gets around 34 MPG on trips and around 28 just running around. No payments and cheap insurance too.
Bugs? No. Not unless you buy one of those Ford knockoffs, maybe.

But you're darned tootin' right about the price. All of the hybrids are WAY too expensive. That's the one thing about the technology that gives me pause.

We were able to buy a Prius recently due to a windfall and some good luck. We love the car but -- dayum! If we'd had to finance it we wouldn't have had a chance of affording it. Around here, the Prius costs about the same as a Saab or low end BMW. Krickee!

The emissions of the other high mileage vehicles aren't as low as the hybrids and that's what decided us in the end. We damned near went for the Mazda 3 though: it was about 2/3 the price.
Bugs, perhaps I should have said deficiencies. They will not run off of batteries long enough without buying an expensive kit.
Bugs? No. Not unless you buy one of those Ford knockoffs, maybe.

But you're darned tootin' right about the price. All of the hybrids are WAY too expensive. That's the one thing about the technology that gives me pause.

We were able to buy a Prius recently due to a windfall and some good luck. We love the car but -- dayum! If we'd had to finance it we wouldn't have had a chance of affording it. Around here, the Prius costs about the same as a Saab or low end BMW. Krickee!

The emissions of the other high mileage vehicles aren't as low as the hybrids and that's what decided us in the end. We damned near went for the Mazda 3 though: it was about 2/3 the price.
There are some E85's that came out recently that cost exactly the same as the regular ones. Hybrids are coming down in cost as well. Personally, I want that electric sports car that I saw the other day! SWEEEEEET!!!