Help me Come up with ideas for a site re: death pool


on indefiniate mod break
I'm making a site to be released in the near future which involves choosing people you think will die the following year. I need a name that isn't offensive or too morbid but still describes the content.

Any ideas?



nice idea, btw. will you have 'odds on favorites' posted, or a listing of who is dead and who isn't? ...that's always my problem, I think people are still alive who have been dead for years, and I think people who are dead are still alive.

nice idea, btw. will you have 'odds on favorites' posted, or a listing of who is dead and who isn't? ...that's always my problem, I think people are still alive who have been dead for years, and I think people who are dead are still alive.

It's not so much my idea, there are many death pools already out there. I belong to one currently, but for next year they've changed a lot of the rules and made it suck hardcore, which is basically why I'm starting my own.

No odds are made as I couldn't possibly come up with anything that is accurate. I'm basically just going to put my own money in to act as a prizepool and let people play for free. The gist of it is to just pick X number of people you think will die in the following year. I've come up with some unique ideas to differientiate it from the other sites out there but nothing is set in stone yet and I'm just toying with a buntch of things.

The first year I'm going to use to grow a userbase. Next year I will once again put up my own money for a prizepool but also start a paid version to where people can drop 10-20 dollars each into a pool and hopefully play for bigger money.

The third year I'll probably drop the original version hopefully having a solidified base.
the cool thing about it is it's not hard to grow the userbase as it's free and doesn't require much time.