Help Me, Sean!


BattleBorne said:
New problem. I live with my brother, ever since his wife through him out on account of his feet. That’s a long story, for another time. Anyways, that son-of-a-bitch has been calling 911 from my phone with all kinds of bullshit. He calls them to complain that he’s locked out of the house. He calls them to ask for a good pizza place. He calls them before work to ask for a traffic report! This might be just a minor annoyance accept for the fact that he has really pissed them off.

So last night, I took some Viagra. Not to use with anyone, but just to practice by myself you know? I am sure everyone does it! Anyway, an hour went by and no matter what I did, it wouldn’t go back down. Two hours.
Three hours and I took an ice bath. By the fourth hour I was jumping up and down, thinking of my mom, thinking of lynn and dick cheney doing it, rubbing lemon juice on it, you name it…nothing. So finally it started hurtin so bad I had to call the cops.

And they was so pissed off over my brother, as soon as I said “I got a hard dick and it’s not getting any softer” they told me to shut the fuck up or they was gonna come over here and beat my head in with a nightstick! Well that finally deflated my dick, but it don’t solve the problem going forward.

What am I gonna do about my brother?

Oh Lordy, have mercy. How did Sean get involved in this? Why isn’t there some kind of board therapist on hand for these sorts of situations? One question; does your brother moving in with you have anything to do with your asking me about siblings marrying?
Hey sean..............

Oh Lordy, have mercy. How did Sean get involved in this? Why isn’t there some kind of board therapist on hand for these sorts of situations? One question; does your brother moving in with you have anything to do with your asking me about siblings marrying?

You are not funny..nor intelligent...all you do is write false quotes....and try to convince everyone of your fraud!... the Only ones who buy this is Lady t,darla and us cit..they are Pinko Commies...and you love to push their buttons..try another approach..before they orgasm to your crap! Then you will have to pay child support for the babies you produce with them!;)