Helpful Psaki Gives Reporters A List Of Questions To Ask Her

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head

WASHINGTON D.C.—Many of the White House correspondents are finding White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to be much more accommodating than the previous administration’s press secretary.

She’s so accommodating that she saves the reporters work by coming up with the questions they’re allowed to ask her.

“Here are some good questions for you,” Psaki told the reporters ahead of the latest press conference. “Make sure to ask this one about how good we are at the vaccine rollout.”

“Wow! This saves us so much work!” said the reporters. “Thank you so much!”

“Oh, I did have a question about Hunter Biden, but that isn’t on here,” said a Washington Post reporter.

Psaki rolled up a paper and hit the reporter on the head. “No! Bad! No!”

“I’m sorry!” the reporter whimpered. “Please love me!”

Hearing how helpful Psaki is, CNN’s Brian Stelter remarked, “How refreshing!” -- though Stelter was not allowed to ask any questions himself, as Psaki said he is “too creepy.”