Herd mentality

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
Humans are predators. What we like to forget is that we are also prey. We still tend to follow the herd when frightened enough. A s such, people that like to drive us in certain directions use fear.
Security is a good way to drive the herd. Just threaten our security and watch us bunch up and run. Or suggest that we are missing out on something we want, like money, and watch us fork over our money to someone that says they can make us a lot.
Politicians have understood this and the more successful the politician or fellow human the easier we are to drive,
There are also the bellwethers. Those that for some unknown reason the herd chooses to lead. In humans it is usually someone with a great deal of charisma.
Examples of drivers are Goebells and Rove. Examples of bellwethers are Clinton and Obama.
The major problems with democracies are bellwethers and drivers.
Oh well
One need only look as far as the media manufactured "healthcare crisis" and the Al Gore manufactured "man is responsible for global warming" scams....
Two of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the citizens of this country.....

Nothing wrong with making our healthcare system better but to call it a crisis is just the Democrats way of growing gov., grabbing more power, and making us more beholding to the gov. in general....

Also nothing wrong with cleaning up the environment and controlling pollution, but to claim we are changing the worlds climate is unbelievably arrogant....junk science bought and paid for with grants to believers and scam artists....
One need only look as far as the media manufactured "healthcare crisis" and the Al Gore manufactured "man is responsible for global warming" scams....
Two of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the citizens of this country.....

Nothing wrong with making our healthcare system better but to call it a crisis is just the Democrats way of growing gov., grabbing more power, and making us more beholding to the gov. in general....

Also nothing wrong with cleaning up the environment and controlling pollution, but to claim we are changing the worlds climate is unbelievably arrogant....junk science bought and paid for with grants to believers and scam artists....

This from the WMD herd.
This from the WMD herd.

Is this the "herd" you mean ?

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
Al Gore

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is using and developing weapons of mass destruction."
Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA)

From the Oval Office, why he ordered new military strikes against Iraq.

"Saddam (Hussein) must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons."
Operation Desert Fox, a strong, sustained series of attacks, will be carried out over several days by U.S. and British forces.
Bill Clinton (D, President of US)
Is this the "herd" you mean ?

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
Al Gore

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is using and developing weapons of mass destruction."
Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA)

From the Oval Office, why he ordered new military strikes against Iraq.

"Saddam (Hussein) must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons."
Operation Desert Fox, a strong, sustained series of attacks, will be carried out over several days by U.S. and British forces.
Bill Clinton (D, President of US)

Yup. You're in good company among so many corrupt retards. Congratulations.
One need only look as far as the media manufactured "healthcare crisis" and the Al Gore manufactured "man is responsible for global warming" scams....
Two of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the citizens of this country.....

Nothing wrong with making our healthcare system better but to call it a crisis is just the Democrats way of growing gov., grabbing more power, and making us more beholding to the gov. in general....

Also nothing wrong with cleaning up the environment and controlling pollution, but to claim we are changing the worlds climate is unbelievably arrogant....junk science bought and paid for with grants to believers and scam artists....

sorry, but i think there is a health care crisis, if you look at how fast the growth rates (first and second derivatives) of medical care are increasing
their portion of the gdp
I won't go into a long song and dance about it....just sit back and reason

EVERYTHING, everything that is recognized as deep pockets is what fucks up the works.....
Do you realistically think that a scratch on your cars fender needs to cost $1000 to get fixed? Of course not....
but as long as an insurance company is paying the bill, thats what it will cost....

If the common Joe was expected to pay that kind of money, no scratches would ever get fixed...ever.....no until the price became something reasonable that the common Joe could afford....

Health care...same thing....Does a blood test need to cost $500.00.....if common Joe was paying the bill, there would NEVER be another blood test done at that price....and the same goes for all medical procedures....

as a matter of fact...the same goes for all work period.....
If a hamburger costs $300 ...how many would Mc D. sell in a day?

NONE?...your absolutely right....but if government was paying for them, they would sell millions a day....
One need only look as far as the media manufactured "healthcare crisis" and the Al Gore manufactured "man is responsible for global warming" scams....
Two of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the citizens of this country.....

Nothing wrong with making our healthcare system better but to call it a crisis is just the Democrats way of growing gov., grabbing more power, and making us more beholding to the gov. in general....

Also nothing wrong with cleaning up the environment and controlling pollution, but to claim we are changing the worlds climate is unbelievably arrogant....junk science bought and paid for with grants to believers and scam artists....

republicans have also been growing government for at least a half a century
sorry, but i think there is a health care crisis, if you look at how fast the growth rates (first and second derivatives) of medical care are increasing
their portion of the gdp

Absolutely. We now spend 1 of every 5 dollars on health care. Under the current methodology it is projected to grow to 3 out of every 5 dollars within 1o years or so.

And we still have milliions without healthcare and medical costs have long been the major cause of personal bankruptcy.
republicans have also been growing government for at least a half a century

I suspect that at least 1/3 of the job growth during the latest Bush presidency we either a direct or indirect result of increased government spending.