Here are followers of the religion of peace harassing a Sikh

Sikh’s have zero tolerance for Muslims. Why should they? The Islamic religion turned family members against one another.
People not in accordance with their own religious teachings. Congrats, you showed Islam to be just like Christianity.
It may have a lot to do with the expulsion of Sikhs from Lahore and East Punjab during the Partition of India in 1947.

Partition never should have/needed to have happened- In restrospect this is an easy observation to make.

The bloodshed was directly related to the paranoia of Muslims, not Hindu. While it happened from both camps, it was the the Muslim who attempts to justify their violence. It is the hypocrisy of Muslim adherents to decry religious nationalism in others, but actually shows their own blind hatreds, not just in India, but throughout the world.
This shows the problem with Islam. Just like the shooting of the Sikh church by that Christian was just on him and had nothing at all to do with Christianity or westerners. It's sad that some people are so racist that they can't see this, and insist on giving Muslims special treatment.
It may have a lot to do with the expulsion of Sikhs from Lahore and East Punjab during the Partition of India in 1947.

My coworker is a punjabi sikh, don't see her posting nonstop islamophobic propaganda like you. She in fact is able to live her life without constantly looking up instances of criminal acts committed by cultures she dislikes and spreading the stories online to invite violence and hated against that ethnicity. It's amazing that some people are able to live their life like that.
A lot of Muslims were expelled from India in the partition too. And today we have super peaceful Hindu mobs lynching Muslims because they heard he ate a burger. But yeah once we roommatee a third of the human race all our problems will disappear.
This shows the problem with Islam. Just like the shooting of the Sikh church by that Christian was just on him and had nothing at all to do with Christianity or westerners. It's sad that some people are so racist that they can't see this, and insist on giving Muslims special treatment.

The difference is that too many Muslims support jihad actions of radicals.
My coworker is a punjabi sikh, don't see her posting nonstop islamophobic propaganda like you. She in fact is able to live her life without constantly looking up instances of criminal acts committed by cultures she dislikes and spreading the stories online to invite violence and hated against that ethnicity. It's amazing that some people are able to live their life like that.

Ok if you want to indulge in willy waving, there is a Sikh temple very near to me!!

A lot of Muslims were expelled from India in the partition too. And today we have super peaceful Hindu mobs lynching Muslims because they heard he ate a burger. But yeah once we roommatee a third of the human race all our problems will disappear.

We have many Hindus in England, and indeed where I live, yet never once have I heard of terrorist atrocities committed by them.
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All three religions cover all sorts of different people, a small minority of whom are aggressive buggers trying to work out their own inadequacies on 'the enemy'. To play the same game as the minorities to score off the religions is pretty sick, in my view.
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