APP - Here is what Ford's lawyer has to say about sexual harassment

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

You know because she is such a stalwart of defending ALL women against sexual harassment and going after ALL men regardless of party. She is a true team player for women

Paula Jones allegations against Bill Clinton

"Paula Jones' suit is very, very, very weak. She's alleged one incident that took place in a hotel room that, by her own testimony, lasted 10 to 12 minutes. She suffered no repercussions in the workplace."

"Clearly a one-time incident that took place in 10 to 12 minutes, she was not forced to have sex, she left on her own volition, the courts increasingly are finding that that is not enough to create a sexually hostile work environment claim."

Photo of Al Franken

"Context is relevant. He did not do this as a member of the U.S. Senate. He did this in his capacity of someone who was still functioning as an entertainer,"