Here is what we should do in Iraq


Villified User
We should support the division of Iraq into 3 territories.
1. Kurds in the north, who have behaved fairly well. They don't want to be Iraqi anyway and are of a different ethnic background unlike the Shia and Sunni Arabic muslims in the south.
2. The Shia And Sunni 's in the south need to divide up the south into their two territories as well. However both of them want to rule Iraq, compared to the Kurds who just want out. So the Shia and Sunnis will be fussing for some time whether we are there or not.
3. Get our people out and let them decide how to run their own country. And yes they will fight for a while, but they will in any case and the US occupation just aggravates things.
The Iraqi government has already approved this 3 way split into territories.....
So this would be a democratic kind of thing. Actually our opposing this split is anti democratic.
I have my doubts about partitioning Iraq. Here's someone I trust- Professor Juan Cole, an expert on Iraq and the Middle east. Someone who, unlike Cheney, Bush, and all the Neocons, has been right all along in iraq from day one:


Juan Cole on Partitioning Iraq: This is a very bad idea for so many reasons it would take me forever to list them all. But here are a few:

1. no such loose federal arrangement would survive very long (remember the post-Soviet Commonwealth of Independent States?), so the plan leads to the dismemberment and partition of Iraq. This outcome is unacceptable to Turkey and Saudi Arabia and therefore will likely lead to regional wars.

2. The Sunni Arabs, the Da`wa Party and the Sadr Movement are all against such a partition, and together they account for at least 123 members of the 275-member parliament. Some of the Shiite independents in the United Iraqi Alliance are also against it. I would say that a slight majority in parliament would fight this plan tooth and nail. The US cannot impose it by fiat.

3. The Sunni Arabs control Iraq's downstream water but have no petroleum resources. If the loose federal plan ends in partition, the situation is set up for a series of wars of the Sunni Arabs versus the Shiites, as well as of the Sunni Arabs and some Turkmen versus the Kurds. Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia will certainly be pulled into these wars.

It is not good for the region to have a series of wars over Iraq. It is not good for the security of the United States, since those wars will probably involve pipeline sabotage by guerrillas and will likely disrupt Middle Eastern oil flows. (Did Americans like $3.20 a gallon gasoline and $300 a month heating bills? Would they like to try $15 a gallon gasoline? What do you think would happen to the world economy?)

Finally, I just don't believe that the Arab and Muslim worlds would ever forgive the US for breaking up Iraq, and there are likely to be reprisals if it happens.
On Item 3 the oil revenue, the constitution covers that they are to share the oil revenues based on population.
That is the essence of my plan Prak :)
We have destabilized Iraq and it will be a mess for quite a while , longer I think if we stay.
Sometimes simplicity is beautiful. I don't think that Bush has been reading the right books. I think he should have had Laura reading him some Nursery Rhymes, specifically "Humpty Dumpty." I'm sure the metaphor would have been lost on his great intellect though.

I heard Brian Williams on MSNBC say Bush has read 52 books already this year. I wanted to die I was laughing so hard. I still am. How could anyone believe this idiot has ever read one book let alone 52 already this year. God damn!!!!!!!
Sometimes simplicity is beautiful. I don't think that Bush has been reading the right books. I think he should have had Laura reading him some Nursery Rhymes, specifically "Humpty Dumpty." I'm sure the metaphor would have been lost on his great intellect though.

I heard Brian Williams on MSNBC say Bush has read 52 books already this year. I wanted to die I was laughing so hard. I still am. How could anyone believe this idiot has ever read one book let alone 52 already this year. God damn!!!!!!!

I heard Brian Williams on MSNBC say Bush has read 52 books already this year. I wanted to die I was laughing so hard.

I saw the same interview, I think. Bush told Brian Williams that he was reading Shakespeare while down on the Crawford farm.

I'm calling bullshit on that.
Sometimes simplicity is beautiful. I don't think that Bush has been reading the right books. I think he should have had Laura reading him some Nursery Rhymes, specifically "Humpty Dumpty." I'm sure the metaphor would have been lost on his great intellect though.

I heard Brian Williams on MSNBC say Bush has read 52 books already this year. I wanted to die I was laughing so hard. I still am. How could anyone believe this idiot has ever read one book let alone 52 already this year. God damn!!!!!!!

Is a comic book a book ?
I don't know that much about comic books, but I'm still having trouble with Williams believing that Bush can count to 52.
I don't know that much about comic books, but I'm still having trouble with Williams believing that Bush can count to 52.

Good point. I read a lot and have not read 52 books this year. Probably around 30.
I remember seeing a clip where Bush said he did not like to read or dwell on decisions. that is very telling.