Here they go again, you cant critisize in a time of war!

Here they go again, you cant critisize in a time of war!

Why do we hear this whine from the left? No one has denied any one's right to protest this war, no one has been shut out of the debate or silenced. Gates says the Iraq Resolution denouncing the surge, will embolden the enemy, and he is right. I'm sorry you don't want to hear that, but it's the truth. No one is denying you the right to criticize, but you must understand, non-stop criticism, for the sake of tearing down and undermining the war effort, is detrimental to the US.

At this point, I don't think anyone is opposed to constructive criticism, but so often from the left, we don't get this, we just get this stubborn and defiant attitude that you are right, and everyone who disagrees is wrong. You don't criticize because you have a legitimate beef or complaint, you do so to undermine and erode support for the war, so we will eventually have to pack it in and leave, like we did in Vietnam. For some reason, pinheads believe turning Iraq into Vietnam is not going to hurt our country or help our enemy. I wish this were the case, it wouldn't bother me so much, if it were.

It's not the criticism, a number of people, even on the Republican side, have criticised aspects of this war. That is healthy, that is what we're supposed to do in the arena of ideas. Along with criticism, generally comes alternatives, and the only alternative ever offered by pinheads is, leave, run, don't look back, do it now, just get the hell out! Well, this is not reasonable, and isn't going to happen, it's just part of the game, part of the effort to undermine and erode support. The criticisms are empty, they offer no viable alternatives, and are not designed to offer any intelligent suggestions or help the situation in any way. And the criticisms are lobbed from behind the comforting shield of protection in the Constitution, any time any one complains about the protests, you immediately pull out the Free Speech card, and use the very freedoms and liberties our past soldiers have secured for us, to bash the efforts of the soldiers fighting now.

What you are doing, is disgraceful and despicable, and you should be ashamed. It borders on treason, because the kind of criticising you are engaging in, is giving aid and comfort to our enemies.
I believe people are tired of that song and it will only hurt the pro Bushies.

Tired of what song, the truth? I don't think people ever get tired of the truth. Let's be clear, I am not saying there shouldn't be criticism, I have had criticisms myself, I can list them if you like. The point is, there is a difference between legitimate criticism and what the left is doing under the guise of criticism.

As for these "Bushies" I think they will be disappointed to find, Bush is not going to be on any more ballots in his lifetime. If this is all about hurting the Bushies, you don't need to worry, they are effectively powerless now. The people you need to worry about, are Americans who don't want to re-live the post-Vietnam experience, who don't want to watch America abandon Iraq and let the middle east collapse into chaos. They have a multitude of good points to back their positions, and they pose a far worse threat to the pinheads, than Bushies.
If America is so weak we get brused by a little truth... We really are in big trouble.
Tired of what song, the truth? I don't think people ever get tired of the truth. Let's be clear, I am not saying there shouldn't be criticism, I have had criticisms myself, I can list them if you like. The point is, there is a difference between legitimate criticism and what the left is doing under the guise of criticism.

As for these "Bushies" I think they will be disappointed to find, Bush is not going to be on any more ballots in his lifetime. If this is all about hurting the Bushies, you don't need to worry, they are effectively powerless now. The people you need to worry about, are Americans who don't want to re-live the post-Vietnam experience, who don't want to watch America abandon Iraq and let the middle east collapse into chaos. They have a multitude of good points to back their positions, and they pose a far worse threat to the pinheads, than Bushies.

The real mistake with Iraq AND Vietnam was going in the first place! When will the lesson be learned that getting into a limited war and trying then to quickly build a Democracy ends in trajety for all involved!
Bushism will survive unfortuantely, it is a limited view minset thing, Bush was just their current leader.
The real mistake with Iraq AND Vietnam was going in the first place! When will the lesson be learned that getting into a limited war and trying then to quickly build a Democracy ends in trajety for all involved!

I disagree on both counts. The mistake in Vietnam, was allowing an asshole Democrat to play politics with it, and try to run the war from Washington. Had we implemented the full wrath of our military might, we would have been victorious in Vietnam, and things would be viewed differently. Ironically, the mistakes in Iraq, are much the same, only with an idiot Republican in charge.

To compound these mistakes, we allowed our conscience to be swayed by liberal anti-war pinheads, and bailed on our responsibilities, which ultimately led to disgrace for America and a loss of world credibility. It appears we are heading down the same road with Iraq, and the difference this time is, it really matters. With Vietnam, we could afford to take the blow, it didn't really effect us to see South Vietnam fall to Communism, but if Iraq falls to radical Islamofascism, we are going to have many dead Americans.

You've managed to convince most of America, the blood of this war is on their hands, and we must 'retreat and repent'... but what are you going to say when the blood of innocent American citizens is on your hands, because of this decision to bail in Iraq? Here's my guess... WHEN that happens, you will claim that you had no possible way of knowing... you'll insist, if anyone had known that would be the result of leaving Iraq, they would have stayed... you'll swear there was no indication that any of this was coming... you'll just deny reality completely, and try to promote some other idiotic notion of appeasement. And of course, you will blame America!
Bushism will survive unfortuantely, it is a limited view minset thing, Bush was just their current leader.

So, basically, you are saying conservatism is jingoism? That we simply line up like sheep behind whoever the neocons pick? I think Bush's approval ratings refute you theory here.

I can't speak for other 'jingo-conservatives', but I can tell you how I see it... Bush, like Bill Clinton, has some admirable qualities and some reviled qualities. There are things I hate about both men, and things I admire and appreciate. One of the things I hate about both, is the lack of true conservative principles. While Bush may have had more socially conservative principles that Clinton, I actually think Clinton was more fiscally conservative than Bush. Neither represent the strong conservative principles I believe in.

What troubles me the most about your comment, is the bigoted way you stated it. As if, anyone who has supported Bush, is cast into your stereotype mold, and portrayed as one. We are all the same! I am more of an individualist, I believe all people have different views and different reasons, opinions, and rationale. ...With the exception to the Pinhead Nation, of course! ;)
So, basically, you are saying conservatism is jingoism? That we simply line up like sheep behind whoever the neocons pick? I think Bush's approval ratings refute you theory here.

I can't speak for other 'jingo-conservatives', but I can tell you how I see it... Bush, like Bill Clinton, has some admirable qualities and some reviled qualities. There are things I hate about both men, and things I admire and appreciate. One of the things I hate about both, is the lack of true conservative principles. While Bush may have had more socially conservative principles that Clinton, I actually think Clinton was more fiscally conservative than Bush. Neither represent the strong conservative principles I believe in.

What troubles me the most about your comment, is the bigoted way you stated it. As if, anyone who has supported Bush, is cast into your stereotype mold, and portrayed as one. We are all the same! I am more of an individualist, I believe all people have different views and different reasons, opinions, and rationale. ...With the exception to the Pinhead Nation, of course! ;)

But you love him in his jeans.