Here we see biden amiring his parties work...


Banned Uvalde.

Bo Biden died from cancer he contracted from fighting in Iraq

His service to his nation slow killed him

Republicans don’t care

To them any service of this nation is worthless unless they can tout it for their political use

Service to our nation has been politicized by the Republican Party

No ones service or sacrifice by non republicans has any meaning for them

They place party over country in EVERYTHING they do and say
Hell they even politicized the military sacrifices of John McCain and trashed him for it

Because it helped their Orange god win some votes
They place a draft dodger above anyone who served at all

They didn’t care he thought people who fight in war were fools and losers
The vast majority of Americans do not want guns treated this lightly means the republicans should lose elections for taking evil stands on guns like they do

The only way they keep winning ANY elections involves election cheating and propaganda from a fake news station
Bo Biden died from cancer he contracted from fighting in Iraq

His service to his nation slow killed him

Republicans don’t care

To them any service of this nation is worthless unless they can tout it for their political use

Service to our nation has been politicized by the Republican Party

No ones service or sacrifice by non republicans has any meaning for them

They place party over country in EVERYTHING they do and say

Oh! From the burn pits, right?

As for the bolded..LOL! And you don't, bitch? Hah! :laugh:
