Here's how conservative Trump states are utterly dependent on blue America

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Who's really getting all the "handouts" ?

Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress love to demonize government handouts, which, in fact, their own supporters depend on and are increasingly financed by taxpayers in blue states.

The federal program Temporary Assistance for Needy Families – what we used to call “welfare” – provides cash assistance to fewer than 1 percent of Americans.

But the Trump administration is proposing to lump many social programs under a new agency with the word “welfare” in its title.

A recent White House report on imposing work requirements, for example, put Medicaid, food assistance, and housing aid into a rebranded program called “noncash welfare.”

Defined this broadly, a large chunk of America relies on welfare. Add in disability benefits, unemployment insurance, and medical benefits, such so-called “welfare” amounts to 17 percentof the average American’s income.

Welfare has become especially unpopular in “red” states that vote Republican and support Trump.

But these same states are often the biggest beneficiaries of government assistance.



We all know the stereotype, the food stamp collecting black ghettos scattered around the US, well, stereotypes need to be stamped out for good reason and beating them back one by one is paramount!

The attack on the black community as a bunch of government begging, scamming, poor people is racist at it’s core and a little home truth is that the highest rate of Food Stamp usage in the USA is NOT EVEN in a black neighborhood.

In fact it’s in a place that’s close to 100% white and heavily votes for the Republican party!
... and they're worried about Mexicans :laugh:

Training works. Does anybody really believe Mexicans and are taking your jobs? There lives are being impacted by the top 1 percent. They are the ones who determine your financial future. The plutocrats the rightys vote for are laughing at their country clubs ove how easily the rightys can be manipulated.