Here's something quite strange...........

I've asked probably around 20 liberals on this site what their I.Q. is. NONE of them, ZILCH, NADA, ZERO of them answered with a number. I asked the same question of about 25 liberals on the USMB site, ONE gave me a number. Conversely, EVERY single conservative I've asked this responded with a number. So, on the two sites combined, 1 out of roughly 45 liberals were able to answer, only JUST OVER 2%. The conservatives I asked, 100%. This discrepancy is pretty shocking. Any thoughts on this?
I've asked probably around 20 liberals on this site what their I.Q. is. NONE of them, ZILCH, NADA, ZERO of them answered with a number. I asked the same question of about 25 liberals on the USMB site, ONE gave me a number. Conversely, EVERY single conservative I've asked this responded with a number. So, on the two sites combined, 1 out of roughly 45 liberals were able to answer, only JUST OVER 2%. The conservatives I asked, 100%. This discrepancy is pretty shocking. Any thoughts on this?

Most people have never had an IQ test. The Conservatives are lying about having taken an IQ test because they're more insecure.
I've asked probably around 20 liberals on this site what their I.Q. is. NONE of them, ZILCH, NADA, ZERO of them answered with a number. I asked the same question of about 25 liberals on the USMB site, ONE gave me a number. Conversely, EVERY single conservative I've asked this responded with a number. So, on the two sites combined, 1 out of roughly 45 liberals were able to answer, only JUST OVER 2%. The conservatives I asked, 100%. This discrepancy is pretty shocking. Any thoughts on this?

And, 100% of them, liberal and conservative got the answer wrong. So?
Seriously, how many people do you think take an IQ test at some point in their life?

I was reading that younger people tend to check their credit score constantly, they are fixated on the number. IQ could be the same idea, likely driven by insecurities.

I dont think that I have ever taken an IQ test, I have no idea why I would want to do that.
Why are you only asking liberals?

Why didn't you post what you think your IQ is?

Researchers have determined in the largest online study on the intelligence quotient (IQ) that results from the test may not exactly show how smart someone is.

"When we looked at the data, the bottom line is the whole concept of IQ -- or of you having a higher IQ than me -- is a myth," Dr. Adrian Owen, the study's senior investigator and the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience and Imaging at the university's Brain and Mind Institute said to the Toronto Star. "There is no such thing as a single measure of IQ or a measure of general intelligence."

More than 100,000 participants joined the study and completed 12 online cognitive tests that examined memory, reasoning, attention and planning abilities. They were also asked about their background and lifestyle.

They found that there was not one single test or component that could accurately judge how well a person could perform mental and cognitive tasks. Instead, they determined there are at least three different components that make up intelligence or a "cognitive profile": short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component.

Scientists also scanned participants' brains with a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine and saw that different cognitive abilities were related to different circuits in the brain, suggesting that the theory that different areas of the brain control certain abilities may be true.

Researchers also discovered that training one's brain to help perform better cognitively did not help.

"People who 'brain-train' are no better at any of these three aspects of intelligence than people who don't," Owen said.

For some reason, people who played video games did better on reasoning and short-term memory portions of the test.

However, aging was associated with a decline on memory and reasoning abilities. Those who smoked did worse on short-term memory and verbal portions, while those with anxiety did badly on short-term memory test components.

"We have shown categorically that you cannot sum up the difference between people in terms of one number, and that is really what is important here," Owen told the CBC.

"Now we need to go forward and work out how we can assess the differences between people, and that will be something for future studies," he added.

The study was published in Neuron on Dec. 20.
I have a very simple IQ test that is very accurate.

There is only one question, but the answer is very telling.

The question:

Do you think Donald Trump is suitable to be the president of the United States?

If you answered No- You are smart!

If you answered Yes- You are dumber than a box of hair!
I was reading that younger people tend to check their credit score constantly, they are fixated on the number. IQ could be the same idea, likely driven by insecurities.

I dont think that I have ever taken an IQ test, I have no idea why I would want to do that.

I think taking an IQ test should be required for voting. But right now, there really is no point in taking one.
Why are you only asking liberals?

Why didn't you post what you think your IQ is?

Researchers have determined in the largest online study on the intelligence quotient (IQ) that results from the test may not exactly show how smart someone is.

"When we looked at the data, the bottom line is the whole concept of IQ -- or of you having a higher IQ than me -- is a myth," Dr. Adrian Owen, the study's senior investigator and the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience and Imaging at the university's Brain and Mind Institute said to the Toronto Star. "There is no such thing as a single measure of IQ or a measure of general intelligence."

More than 100,000 participants joined the study and completed 12 online cognitive tests that examined memory, reasoning, attention and planning abilities. They were also asked about their background and lifestyle.

They found that there was not one single test or component that could accurately judge how well a person could perform mental and cognitive tasks. Instead, they determined there are at least three different components that make up intelligence or a "cognitive profile": short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component.

Scientists also scanned participants' brains with a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine and saw that different cognitive abilities were related to different circuits in the brain, suggesting that the theory that different areas of the brain control certain abilities may be true.

Researchers also discovered that training one's brain to help perform better cognitively did not help.

"People who 'brain-train' are no better at any of these three aspects of intelligence than people who don't," Owen said.

For some reason, people who played video games did better on reasoning and short-term memory portions of the test.

However, aging was associated with a decline on memory and reasoning abilities. Those who smoked did worse on short-term memory and verbal portions, while those with anxiety did badly on short-term memory test components.

"We have shown categorically that you cannot sum up the difference between people in terms of one number, and that is really what is important here," Owen told the CBC.

"Now we need to go forward and work out how we can assess the differences between people, and that will be something for future studies," he added.

The study was published in Neuron on Dec. 20.

LEARN to READ, Geeko, I asked BOTH liberals AND conservatives.
I have a very simple IQ test that is very accurate.

There is only one question, but the answer is very telling.

The question:

Do you think Donald Trump is suitable to be the president of the United States?

If you answered No- You are smart!

If you answered Yes- You are dumber than a box of hair!

You really ARE an idiot, Geeko. VERY sad.:|
I've asked probably around 20 liberals on this site what their I.Q. is. NONE of them, ZILCH, NADA, ZERO of them answered with a number. I asked the same question of about 25 liberals on the USMB site, ONE gave me a number. Conversely, EVERY single conservative I've asked this responded with a number. So, on the two sites combined, 1 out of roughly 45 liberals were able to answer, only JUST OVER 2%. The conservatives I asked, 100%. This discrepancy is pretty shocking. Any thoughts on this?

Dude, you are a fucking goofball.

Shut the fuck up.

You want a number?

My IQ is 500.

Suck on that.
Seriously, how many people do you think take an IQ test at some point in their life?

MOST, if not ALL, take the test in middle school. My sister and I took it when we were in middle school. The people administering the test didn't call it an "I.Q" test, even though it WAS. I believe this was done purposely in order to not make the students nervous. After the results were tabulated, the parents were told how their children fared. I remember that I enjoyed the testing and didn't have a whole lot of difficulty with it. My mother informed us on how we did. She also told us that yes, it WAS an I.Q. test. I fared quite well, my sister scored even higher. My sister ended up getting a Master's Degree in English at Arizona State University, and was working on her doctorate when hideously painful migraine headaches hit her. She had to quit school, and a nice editing job she had for a book publisher. I believe these headaches first hit her around 20 years ago, and she still has them despite going to a world known headache clinic in Chicago for about 13 years now. They've tried virtually every treatment and medication, but she's only been able to get a little relief. They just are unable to find the root cause of my sister's headaches. Unfortunately after our mother passed away in October of 2013, my sister was completely devastated. She and my mom were good friends as well as being mother and daughter. My sister started abusing opioids, and became addicted. She got so bad she had to be hospitalized a couple times because she broke BOTH her ankles about 4 months apart from being so totally zoned out from the opioids. She fell hard enough ON her ankles to severely break them. Very soon after her first ankle healed, she fell on the other one, breaking it. At this point I had to retire so I could watch over and take care of her. It took a little over a year for her to break her addiction and heal completely. This was a bit over 4 years ago. She's been clean since. I've stayed retired so I could help her stay off the opioids. I love being retired. My sister in on disability because of her severe migraines which she still suffers from. We both collect Social Security and live well within our means, so we don't need or have to work. So in a roundabout way, having a very high I.Q. does NOT protect you from possibly becoming addicted to a substance or substances that can completely alter your life. No one is safe from this.
I have a very simple IQ test that is very accurate.

There is only one question, but the answer is very telling.

The question:

Do you think Donald Trump is suitable to be the president of the United States?

If you answered No- You are smart!

If you answered Yes- You are dumber than a box of hair!


As soon as Covid-19 started making the news, I knew that the Republicans would make a whiny fuss about it. Everyone else on the planet would accept science and wear masks, but not the GOP! No, the GOP would come up with asinine conspiracy theories and claim that the scientists are "wrong" and "evil" and "want to hurt the economy" or whatever nonsense.