Here’s Why You Shouldn't Use an Electric Fan in Summer to Keep Cool


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Everyone knows that an air-conditioned home is one of the ultimate respites from sweltering summer heat. However, for those unlucky souls among us who live without the benefit of central air, staying cool when the mercury rises is a much more difficult feat.

Of course, most people without the luxury of A/C immediately turn to an electric fan for relief—but believe it or not, this does more harm than good in the fight against the sweat-inducing summer sun.

But how’s that possible? Well, as cruel as it may seem, the very fan you’re using to cool off could actually be increasing the temperature in your home, depending on how you’re using it.


How to Cool Yourself Without Air Conditioning
[FONT=&]Everyone knows that an [/FONT]air-conditioned[FONT=&] home is one of the ultimate respites from sweltering [/FONT]summer heat[FONT=&]. However, for those unlucky souls among us who live without the benefit of central air, staying cool when the mercury rises is a much more difficult feat.[/FONT]

Of course, most people without the luxury of A/C immediately turn to an electric fan for relief—but believe it or not, this does more harm than good in the fight against the sweat-inducing summer sun.

But how’s that possible? Well, as cruel as it may seem, the very fan you’re using to cool off could actually be increasing the temperature in your home, depending on how you’re using it.

You my friend, must not have heard of.... The Redneck Air Conditioner!!!!

These things supposedly work pretty good.

Here are some more links to more videos with different designs.
[FONT=&]Everyone knows that an [/FONT]air-conditioned[FONT=&] home is one of the ultimate respites from sweltering [/FONT]summer heat[FONT=&]. However, for those unlucky souls among us who live without the benefit of central air, staying cool when the mercury rises is a much more difficult feat.[/FONT]

Of course, most people without the luxury of A/C immediately turn to an electric fan for relief—but believe it or not, this does more harm than good in the fight against the sweat-inducing summer sun.

But how’s that possible? Well, as cruel as it may seem, the very fan you’re using to cool off could actually be increasing the temperature in your home, depending on how you’re using it.


How to Cool Yourself Without Air Conditioning

Friction creates heat warming the air slightly. The good thing about A/C is it is just like a refrigerator. It pulls heat, and moisture out of the air rather than pumping in cool.
You can get cramps from being in A/C too long.

Do you know what a humidifier is?

Have you ever lived in Palm Springs or Phoenix?

Palm Springs is not as arid as Phoenix, but family who lived in Phoenix said a humidifier helped the problem.

When I lived in Palm Springs for a short time (thank goodness) we would moon tan at midnight when it cooled to 92 degrees mid summer..... Also, fried eggs on the asphalt during the day.... Stupid teen stuff, but funny at the time...
Friction creates heat warming the air slightly. The good thing about A/C is it is just like a refrigerator. It pulls heat, and moisture out of the air rather than pumping in cool.

And costs a buttload of money to run 24/7.

We only have a wall unit, so running it on full bore doesn't do too much to the air. It mostly just gets it nice and cool in the living area. The bedrooms never get it enough.

If you have ceiling fans in the bedrooms, set them so the blades turn "backwards" or rather, so that they pull the air upward towards them, rather than down away from them. That will pull some of the cool air from living room etc, into the bedrooms.

You can also place fans in the bedroom doorways to pull cool a/c air and blow it in those rooms as well.
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Do you know what a humidifier is?

Have you ever lived in Palm Springs or Phoenix?

Palm Springs is not as arid as Phoenix, but family who lived in Phoenix said a humidifier helped the problem.

When I lived in Palm Springs for a short time (thank goodness) we would moon tan at midnight when it cooled to 92 degrees mid summer..... Also, fried eggs on the asphalt during the day.... Stupid teen stuff, but funny at the time...

In hot dry areas like the Southwest, you can use evaporative cooler fans that use water and the cooling effect of evaporation to cool the air down without using the a/c.

Put up dark, heavy curtains on the windows too.