I may be mistaken, but I believe it was Hank Marvin that brought the first Fender Strat to England, and yes, it was a red one just like Buddy Holly's (as if he didn't look enough like Buddy Holly already!LOL!)
And, I am certain, about the fact, that the Shadows were the first group to ever bring the Vox amp to England- which was made in California at the time by the Thomas Organ folks. It may not have been the AC30 as I am not sure that was even engineered yet, but it was an amp that compared very much to the Fender Twin Blackface standard that saturated the market worldwide back in those early days of Rock & Roll.
But, this combination lifted Richard's group up out of the Teener Popcorn category and into a more rocking Rockabilly genre much like the Buddy Holly group- which was very popular in Europe at the time.
Had Cliff Richards and The Shadows been the first Brit group to invade the US, they would have been as popular as the Beatles, and the Beatles, might have had to play 2nd fiddle! Just my opinion. And the Beatles were so influenced by the group, they would agree with me.
So this new patented sound of Cliff Richards and The Shadows was a great improvement over the Cliff Richards and the Drifters (Richards first group). It is a shame that Cliff Richards and The Shadows became such an International success, they didn't even have time to perform here in America much, so most Americans just missed out and didn't know much about them. SO DO A LITTLE BACK PEDDLING FOLKS AND TREAT YOURSELF TO SOME GREAT MUSIC FROM THAT ERA.
I still prefer to play and use Strats and Ac30's in all of my club stops today.