APP - hey advocates of deregulation, tx fertilizer plant only had $1,000,000 liability ins

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
yep folk, the plant that did over $10,000,000 damage to a texas town had only a $1,000,000 liability insurance policy - i have more insurance on my home and cars than that

McALLEN, Texas (AP) — The Texas fertilizer plant that exploded last month, killing 14 people, injuring more than 200 others and causing tens of millions of dollars in damage to the surrounding area had only $1 million in liability coverage, lawyers said Saturday.
Tyler lawyer Randy C. Roberts said he and other attorneys who have filed lawsuits against West Fertilizer's owners were told Thursday that the plant carried only $1 million in liability insurance. Brook Laskey, an attorney hired by the plant's insurer to represent West Fertilizer Co., confirmed the amount Saturday in an email to The Associated Press, after the Dallas Morning News first reported it.
"The bottom line is, this lack of insurance coverage is just consistent with the overall lack of responsibility we've seen from the fertilizer plant, starting from the fact that from day one they have yet to acknowledge responsibility," Roberts said.
Roberts said he expects the plant's owner to ask a judge to divide the $1 million in insurance money among the plaintiffs, several of whom he represents, and then file for bankruptcy.
He said he wasn't surprised that the plant was carrying such a small policy.
"It's rare for Texas to require insurance for any kind of hazardous activity," he said. "We have very little oversight of hazardous activities and even less regulation."
On April 17, a fire at the West Fertilizer Co. in West, a town 70 miles south of Dallas, was quickly followed by an earth-shaking explosion that left a 90-foot wide crater and damaged homes, schools and nursing home within a 37-block blast zone. Among those killed were 10 emergency responders.
State and federal investigators haven't determined what caused the blast.
The plant had reported just months before the blast that it had the capacity to store 270 tons of ammonium nitrate, but it was unknown how much was there at the time of the explosion.
Roberts said that even without a conclusive cause, negligence lawsuits can proceed.
"The law allows courts to presume negligence when something happens that would not ordinarily occur but for negligence," Roberts said. "A fire might be an unavoidable accident, but an explosion of this magnitude resulting from a fire is not an unavoidable accident."
Lawyers will look for any other assets the company might have and search for other responsible parties, he said.
ulation, tx fertilizer plant only had $1,000,000 liability ins

Privatize profit, socialize cost...and of course reckless behavior.... don't worry our tax dollars will bail that poor, defenseless fertilizer plant company out.

Make sure we tally it to the cost of our produce.
Privatize profit, socialize cost...and of course reckless behavior.... don't worry our tax dollars will bail that poor, defenseless fertilizer plant company out.

Make sure we tally it to the cost of our produce.

yep just socialize those costs

ever notice the llp and llc after some organization's names, the 'll' stands for limited liability...just another way for someone to screw the citizens when people whose product or services you use screws up and you get screwed
LLCs are for small business people who don't have the capital or connections to establish something large like a corportation. Many small corporations are former LLCs and LLPs...
LLCs are for small business people who don't have the capital or connections to establish something large like a corportation. Many small corporations are former LLCs and LLPs...

please provide a link for your claim

i have incorporated in california both as a not for profit and a for profit and it is no big thing...although i am given to understand that delaware is the most corporate friendly state
I charge $250 for the paperwork necessary for incorporation, there is a $60 fee to the state.....I charge $250 for the paperwork necessary for an LLC, there is a $50 fee to the state.....the difference is in the way that a corporation is taxed......not in the cost of setting it up.....