Hey Asshat

LOl. I just read some more of that. Good stuff in there. I didn;t click "next page" though. I've had enough for a while.
I didn't, and I'm not. Take your Abilify and put one of your personalities to bed.

Get a personality, I will let you borrow one of mine. don't be a hater, I am one of the few that finds you funny and still do. You need to learn to love yourself. do that first and the rest will follow. and not the faux self love your display here! you do have good attributes.
Get a personality, I will let you borrow one of mine. don't be a hater, I am one of the few that finds you funny and still do. You need to learn to love yourself. do that first and the rest will follow. and not the faux self love your display here! you do have good attributes.

Of course you find me funny. I'm the bomb. I love me, so does everyone else.

Telling the truth 24/7, even if politically incorrect, endears me to the masses. I am a future world leader, but a nice one.
Ha he seems upset about the way we understand time.

Greenwich Time is a Lie
Your midday is someone else's midnight, someone else's sundown and even someone else's sunup. Do you know that time is a simultaneous 4 corner square that rotates to a 4 day time cube within 1 - 24 hour rotation of Earth? You are educated stupid and unable to know Nature's 4-Day Time Cube Creation.

And maybe Jews?

I Am Not Jewish, Neither
Was My Mother Or Father.

Anyone saying that Jesus
and his Jewish father had
something to do with my
birth, is a damn evil liar.

I am of Nature's Harmonic
Time Cube - in which both
word and god are outlawed.
No plant nor animal speaks
word, a fraud by evil adults.