Hey BB goin for your free dinner at hog heaven tomorrow evening ?

Say What?

Oops most people know it as Golden Corral.
Free meal to vets 5-9 PM Monday.

Are you referring to the Vet's dinner that most 'Community Centers' in small towns do on Veterans Day? We have one but I always pass...they always do Spagetti and Meat Balls...and man being Italian I must say they need a real cook...however the thought is nice! Today did the Vets parade in town...it was a bummer as the weather was bad...rain mixed with snow!:(
Are you referring to the Vet's dinner that most 'Community Centers' in small towns do on Veterans Day? We have one but I always pass...they always do Spagetti and Meat Balls...and man being Italian I must say they need a real cook...however the thought is nice! Today did the Vets parade in town...it was a bummer as the weather was bad...rain mixed with snow!:(

Nope this is a free meal from your local golden corral (franchised steak house chain) aka hog heaven for the all you can eat buffets.

Nope this is a free meal from your local golden corral (franchised steak house chain) aka hog heaven for the all you can eat buffets.

Damn ya must live in a upscale backward forty...we just have the Senior Center...who always serves spagetti and meat-a- balls...maybe I will bring this to the attention of the County Comissioners next meeting...'Golden Corral'...needed!:cof1:
LMAO.....easy keeper comes out?

free buffet? Maybe I'll join the military afterall.

Only if ya like SOS every Wed's day...took me along time to convince the kids and Grandkids that it was pretty good chow...that is if ya can get past the name and look!....:cof1: