Hey blackflag..et al...

Why am I not surprised. I don't even bother pointing out his incoherent rants most of the time. Its like trying to explain calculus to a tree stump.
Why am I not surprised. I don't even bother pointing out his incoherent rants most of the time. Its like trying to explain calculus to a tree stump.
OH, I don't know, it isn't that hard to explain calculus to a tree stump--- I't's just that the stump won't understand. HEH HEH DAH!
HE HE, have you folks noticed that suddenly CNN is the Bad Guy, and we are all co-conspirators? I wonder what imaginary creature he conjured up this time.
Why am I not surprised. I don't even bother pointing out his incoherent rants most of the time. Its like trying to explain calculus to a tree stump.

Actually the comprehension level would be the same , but the tree stump would not make an ass out of itself.