Hey Damo!


JPP Modarater
I couldn't get on again, I had to do the google trick. I wouldn't be surprised if other people are having the same problem.
Yeah, it's a crossover issue. I thought I had my problems figured out, so I added the new name servers into the domain. Then I realized that I hadn't quite got it all fixed (close, but not quite right) so I had to put them back. It takes some time to perpetuate it across the web, so I hope people are okay now. There may be some other times it'll be down temporarily. Tonight I will finish the transfer and once it is done these issues will be in the past.
Yeah, it's a crossover issue. I thought I had my problems figured out, so I added the new name servers into the domain. Then I realized that I hadn't quite got it all fixed (close, but not quite right) so I had to put them back. It takes some time to perpetuate it across the web, so I hope people are okay now. There may be some other times it'll be down temporarily. Tonight I will finish the transfer and once it is done these issues will be in the past.

you host this site with your own servers ?
No, I'm working on moving to a quicker server with a more steady db server. I searched around and found what I believe to be a solution, but their stuff is so very different than the easy to use CP on the server I currently use.
It does actually seem to be up to FP speed now, Damo. I had DSL and the only reason I ever really used FP before was speed and the fact that it logged you in near permanently.

Looks like you won the site war. Fullpolitics honestly is barely standable anymore. I guess it's just the fact that there's few liberals and even fewer conservatives. The debate on this site is just more interesting.
It does actually seem to be up to FP speed now, Damo. I had DSL and the only reason I ever really used FP before was speed and the fact that it logged you in near permanently.

Looks like you won the site war. Fullpolitics honestly is barely standable anymore. I guess it's just the fact that there's few liberals and even fewer conservatives. The debate on this site is just more interesting.


We'll see when it gets tested during the week how quick it moves. But so far I see a huge difference.

We'll see when it gets tested during the week how quick it moves. But so far I see a huge difference.

When you were down so much of yesterday, I went over there to talk to Cypress about my withdrawal problems, and how bored i was at work. And I saw that Tiana had put up a thread asking if anyone else was having a problem getting on this board. So when you went back up I told her so on the board there, and one thing lead to another, and next thing you know we were accused of trying to steal away SR's people.

Grind, of all people stuck up for us. It was kinda funny.
Not again!

Remember when the board first started? Geez, SR was all like, "OMGZ!!!111 How could you want to make a board?! I made one too, you're copying me!"
Not again!

Remember when the board first started? Geez, SR was all like, "OMGZ!!!111 How could you want to make a board?! I made one too, you're copying me!"

And it was totally innocent on our part. Someone over there said to Tiana, don't leave, we need to combine back the two boards. Tiana said she liked this one better, and I said, the JPP regulars wouldn't do that anyway (stop posting here). Whatever. They'll get over it!
And it was totally innocent on our part. Someone over there said to Tiana, don't leave, we need to combine back the two boards. Tiana said she liked this one better, and I said, the JPP regulars wouldn't do that anyway (stop posting here). Whatever. They'll get over it!


The theory went that you and tiana "waited" until you knew that SR was gone at boot camp, and then in his absence, came over to FP to "steal" SR's "family of posters".


Hilarious! I've never seen a dude get so jealous over something as trivial as that!

The theory went that you and tiana "waited" until you knew that SR was gone at boot camp, and then in his absence, came over to FP to "steal" SR's "family of posters".


Hilarious! I've never seen a dude get so jealous over something as trivial as that!

Wait! I missed all of that. Someone really said that or are you guys messing around?
Wait! I missed all of that. Someone really said that or are you guys messing around?

It was ridiculous. lol

Uh, yeah you were accused of "waiting" until you knew SR was at bootcamp, to sneak back on his board and steal "his" posters. And, you did all this while "SR was gone defending your asses....how low class can you be?"
Nope, they said it.

And don't try and pretend you weren't the mastermind of this "plan"!

LOL, I'd actually written a response to Harold saying that we'd been planning it from the beginning and that I sent you in under cover at a Bush Convention to plant the idea into his head and then I'd have to kill Harold since he knew the truth.....then a got a phone call timed out I guess and lost the post. It would have been funny, but that site sucks so much ass I don't even really feel like going back and reconstructing the post.
It was ridiculous. lol

Uh, yeah you were accused of "waiting" until you knew SR was at bootcamp, to sneak back on his board and steal "his" posters. And, you did all this while "SR was gone defending your asses....how low class can you be?"

I think I did know that he went to boot camp though. I think Desh mentioned it over here.