Hey Damo...!


Why don't you set up a 'Bash Bush and Gop' forum that way cippie and darla and USC et al can go there and relieve their anxiety attacks...then the rest of the forums will get a break...as they always bring this fear of Bush and the GOP into every forum thread no matter what it is about!:cof1:
I was thinking about making a "belowplainpolitics" site that connects to this one with user crossover where people go to talk partisan-only trash talk...

And an "aboveplainpolitics" without 100% crossover where people would go to speak of high-level strategy regardless of party...

But that may be a little time away...
Why don't you set up a 'Bash Bush and Gop' forum that way cippie and darla and USC et al can go there and relieve their anxiety attacks...then the rest of the forums will get a break...as they always bring this fear of Bush and the GOP into every forum thread no matter what it is about!:cof1:

that is a good one BB, do you remember how we non bush enablers were treated a few years ago ?
And then back to the ones that voted for Clowntoon ?

Can't you take it ?
go crying to the administrator ?
Well Damo is not SR.

Politics has it''s cycles and right now you are on the crap end of the game.
Not and yes...

that is a good one BB, do you remember how we non bush enablers were treated a few years ago ?
And then back to the ones that voted for Clowntoon ?

Can't you take it ?
go crying to the administrator ?
Well Damo is not SR.

Politics has it''s cycles and right now you are on the crap end of the game.

One is only on the "Crap" end if one allows oneself to be bullied by the opposition...and cannot fend off dog piles and people that are bi-polar..
and who cried to damo...I just gave him some input...thought y'all would like your own bash forum...then if anyone dove in they would deserve a dog pile or two...thats all Bubba wit da Musket!

I was thinking about making a "belowplainpolitics" site that connects to this one with user crossover where people go to talk partisan-only trash talk...

And an "aboveplainpolitics" without 100% crossover where people would go to speak of high-level strategy regardless of party...

But that may be a little time away...

I like your idea even betta!
Why don't you set up a 'Bash Bush and Gop' forum that way cippie and darla and USC et al can go there and relieve their anxiety attacks...then the rest of the forums will get a break...as they always bring this fear of Bush and the GOP into every forum thread no matter what it is about!:cof1:
Do you mean "THREAD" ratherr than Forum??? Either way you comment is BS.
a Thread is something within a 'Forum' good Lord dude pa-lease quit embarrassing yourself...let me do that!
My point exactly A threasd is part of a section and the Section is part of the forum. This site entoto."IS" the forum.It is NOT a bunch of forums.
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Yes ...

My point exactly A threasd is part of a section and the Section is part of the forum. This site entoto."IS" the forum.

You paid attention to my spanking...good student donny...ya learned something today!

However there are many forums within a site...digest this comment..pa-lease...Grasshopper!
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I give up....

Just more of your jackassedness misconseptions.

someone else carry the load..donny is akin to breaking a young colt..ya can show em' where the water is and what the saddle is for..but damn they fight ya for months...but the bright side is they eventually get the training process...I'm done with donny someone else please help him....my patience has gone out the door!
One is only on the "Crap" end if one allows oneself to be bullied by the opposition...and cannot fend off dog piles and people that are bi-polar..
and who cried to damo...I just gave him some input...thought y'all would like your own bash forum...then if anyone dove in they would deserve a dog pile or two...thats all Bubba wit da Musket!

So one is not in crap if one denies they are in crap ?
Physical reality has no meaning to you ?

Yep denial is a common kneeocon trait.

Crap is crap even if you call it roses.
someone else carry the load..donny is akin to breaking a young colt..ya can show em' where the water is and what the saddle is for..but damn they fight ya for months...but the bright side is they eventually get the training process...I'm done with donny someone else please help him....my patience has gone out the door!

Are you done with the lies and jackassedness? or have you just realized that NO one, including me takes your crap seriously? or as being accurate??Course apparently you won't be responding to my posts from now on,----RIGHT???
I was thinking about making a "belowplainpolitics" site that connects to this one with user crossover where people go to talk partisan-only trash talk...

And an "aboveplainpolitics" without 100% crossover where people would go to speak of high-level strategy regardless of party...

But that may be a little time away...

That sounds very good. I'd post more if there weren't all the 'neo con' 'lib' crap. I haven't a problem with someone wanting to 'help me understand' something, but just on the basis of my beliefs, labeling gets tiresome.

Thus I don't post my opinion, just a comment here or there.