Hey Democrats: Kerry Endorsement of Obama. Does it Help or Hurt Him?

It could be viewed 2 ways that I see:

1) As a burden on his "change" label.

2) As giving him a measure of credibility by the previous standard bearer after Obama's disappointing loss in NH.
Kerry credibility? Guys gonna have a hard enough time... Geeze, you must be a Clinton supporter... J/K
How could it possibly hurt him?

It's actually kind of huge for him, I think. Kerry was the establishment guy 4 years ago, just as Hillary is now. It undercuts her advantage on the usual machine-related organizations, and also might tilt some Edwards supporters who see that his chances are dwindling Obama's way.

There is no way it hurts. These are Democratic Primary voters we're talking about.
He also gets Kerry's email list and donor info. It'll help him. But its not that big of a deal.
Honesty Kerry is a f'ing dork and I'm so happy I voted for Kucinich in the primary. By then Dean, my real choice, was out, and Kerry was a done deal, but at least I didn't put my stamp of approval on that dork as our nominee. I did vote for him in the general, and I actually think he would have made a good President, but I knew he wasn't going to cut it as a candidate.

I can't believe there is anyone stupid enough to look at any of these endorsements and have it affect how they vote. That whole idea amazes me. I think people who do that are pinheads, and not being fluent in pinhead intellect, I have no idea of this would hurt or help Obama.
Honesty Kerry is a f'ing dork and I'm so happy I voted for Kucinich in the primary. By then Dean, my real choice, was out, and Kerry was a done deal, but at least I didn't put my stamp of approval on that dork as our nominee. I did vote for him in the general, and I actually think he would have made a good President, but I knew he wasn't going to cut it as a candidate.

I can't believe there is anyone stupid enough to look at any of these endorsements and have it affect how they vote. That whole idea amazes me. I think people who do that are pinheads, and not being fluent in pinhead intellect, I have no idea of this would hurt or help Obama.

You crazy lady! The US is full of lemmings, this will help a little bit. Some chanker in Boston will hear that Kerry endorsed Obama and that'll be all he needs to know.