Hey everyone its Quiz time with Tigerred59


Verified User
Ok guys and gals, ready to take a really hard quiz??? Settle back, put your guns down, grab a cold beer and we're off......

Question? How many cops do it take to kill a unarmed black man? 1) just 1........2) maybe 3........ 3) depends on how big the black man is

Question? How many bullets do it take to kill a unarmed or even an armed black man? 1) usually 4......... 2)just recently 60....... 3) depends on how big the black man is

Question? How quickly must a cop act with a black child waving a toy gun and shot dead? 1) 3 second....... 2) less than a minute ........ 3)depends on if the killing is before lunch or afterwards

Question? How many times must unarmed black men be murdered by cops before something is done 1) Never, they make great target practice........ 2) when Washington passes a bill holding cops accountable ........ 3) hell has to freeze over first

Question? When will white men just admit, the reason they hate on blacks so much is because they hate seeing these toothless saggy pant negro's with thier prized Barbies......1) Never will.....2) too afraid to admit it.....3)until they're all dead

And here's the hardest question of all, still got that beer handy? How many cops do you need to take down a lone shooter that murders babies? 1) 5 0r 6 with balls and courage....... 2) 10 or 12 with balls and courage...... 3) unless its an unarmed
black man, even 400 white cowardly cops won't be enough!!

Now that the quiz is over, HOW DID YOU SCORE???