Hey guys


I'm not a racist. In fact, I have black ancestry. I am also 1/4 cherokee. Race doesn't matter at all to me.

But YOU PEOPLE are low life deviants who deserve nothing more than a shot in the head.

I hope we don't have any misunderstanding about that. I hate the modern politically correct world we live in, where even innocent remarks like that are liable to receive actual criticism. Don't we have free speech? How dare you criticize me for performing free speech?
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I don't think you are anything except part Gypsy, part Jackass. Your mother (a gypsy whore) fucked a jackass one night, and became pregnant, producing you. She tried to abort you, but your will to persist was too great, so here you are, in your 'Elephant Man' state, too hideous for the world to see, espousing Gypsy Jackassism's all over the place.
I don't think you are anything except part Gypsy, part Jackass. Your mother (a gypsy whore) fucked a jackass one night, and became pregnant, producing you. She tried to abort you, but your will to persist was too great, so here you are, in your 'Elephant Man' state, too hideous for the world to see, espousing Gypsy Jackassism's all over the place.

Once again, Dixie, you mistake insults for debating skills. But at least you are consistent.

How in the hell do you have any idea what WM's ethnic background is? And since you don't know that, wtf makes you thing personal attacks are warranted in this thread?

Crawl back under a rock you uneducated redneck. (see? two can play at that)
Once again, Dixie, you mistake insults for debating skills. But at least you are consistent.

How in the hell do you have any idea what WM's ethnic background is? And since you don't know that, wtf makes you thing personal attacks are warranted in this thread?

Crawl back under a rock you uneducated redneck. (see? two can play at that)

Dixie is in the middle of a nervous breakdown. Before it is all over, he may very well end up institutionalized. I wish people like Water and Oncler wouldn't let Dixie bother them. Rather, they should enjoy the show. Dixie is a microcosm of what is happening to the hard-right conservatives in this country. The ones who spent the past 8 years calilng anyone who didn't agree with george bush, a terrorist, a terrorist-lover, an america-hater, telling them to move to france, etc. And they loved every second of it.

But it's over now. That America is gone now. It won't be coming back until many of them are dead, and the rest of them are very very old. Too old to really enjoy their resurgence.

They are getting a Democratic Congress and a Democratic White house. They will not see another Sam Alito in their lifetimes. Roe v wade will not be overturned and if they don't drop dead from strokes brought on by their own impotent ranting against the lefty fates - they'll see gay marriage become common place.

A black man will be president - they never thought they'd see that.

And because of all of this, and so much more, they're having emotional breakdowns. They're screaming out "OFF WITH HIS HEAD" 'KILL HIM!" and "TRAITOR" at political rallies. They've become so unhinged they're being investigated by that well-know left-wing organization, the Secret Service.

They are quite literally, losing their minds. And no one, no one, has earned it more.

So be like me...smile early, smile slowly, smile widely, smile a lot. And enjoy. :clink:
"the most important issue is how America is about to elect a president who has ties to terrorist extremists and Islamic fundamentalists."

Even from Dixie, I couldn't believe this one. Palin is really leading the charge on this, and this just shows how quickly it trickles down to the adoring masses.
"the most important issue is how America is about to elect a president who has ties to terrorist extremists and Islamic fundamentalists."

Even from Dixie, I couldn't believe this one. Palin is really leading the charge on this, and this just shows how quickly it trickles down to the adoring masses.

If someone tries to kill him, you will never see Palin on a national stage again. She's playing with fire, and the way the stars are aligning these days, it might be she who gets burned, not Obama as she is hoping.
I have just never learned the art of letting ignorant comments lie.

Its my biggest flaw concerning boards like this one. I refuse to let go. lol

Oh well, at least it provides a bit of entertainment for someone. (I hope)
I don't think you are anything except part Gypsy, part Jackass. Your mother (a gypsy whore) fucked a jackass one night, and became pregnant, producing you. She tried to abort you, but your will to persist was too great, so here you are, in your 'Elephant Man' state, too hideous for the world to see, espousing Gypsy Jackassism's all over the place.

WM, if you let any of the remarks of that ignorant jerk bother you I will personally come to Mississippi and slap you silly.


LOL I thought it was funny. When Dixie gets into an angry rant like that he just spouts off dumb thing after dumb thing. It's surreal. And he doesn't seem to hate anyone on here more than me, because I grew up in the south and I'm a liberal. He hates you for simialar reasons.