Hey, it's a war - unpredictable things happen!


New member
How many times have we heard Bush apologists say this (or something like it) in response to the innumerable setbacks & shifting rationales since we invaded in 2003?

Let's not forgot some of the "hints" that the admin was putting out when they were trying to sell this thing: maybe 6 months, probably around $50 billion. If any corporate manager was so woefully off on their estimates, he'd have been fired ages ago.

This whole thing is such BS. I can't believe the people who lectured us in early '03 about how necessary invading Iraq was, and how you shouldn't call it a "civil war" later on, and how "quagmire" was being alarmist, etc, etc, etc, are STILL lecturing us about how best to handle national security. Has any group of people in modern history been so wrong, about so many things, and caused so much damage to America?

Yes, war is unpredictable. That is why it is a last resort. That is why we need to look for leaders who will look for any reason NOT to go to war, instead of leaders who cherrypick what they can to try to make a case FOR war.

Rant over...
yeah I watched Leher interview the general and ambassador to irag last night. That was a large part of their song.

The ambassador Crock ? is a lying stack of excrement too, and not real good at it either.
How many times have we heard Bush apologists say this (or something like it) in response to the innumerable setbacks & shifting rationales since we invaded in 2003?

Let's not forgot some of the "hints" that the admin was putting out when they were trying to sell this thing: maybe 6 months, probably around $50 billion. If any corporate manager was so woefully off on their estimates, he'd have been fired ages ago.

This whole thing is such BS. I can't believe the people who lectured us in early '03 about how necessary invading Iraq was, and how you shouldn't call it a "civil war" later on, and how "quagmire" was being alarmist, etc, etc, etc, are STILL lecturing us about how best to handle national security. Has any group of people in modern history been so wrong, about so many things, and caused so much damage to America?

Yes, war is unpredictable. That is why it is a last resort. That is why we need to look for leaders who will look for any reason NOT to go to war, instead of leaders who cherrypick what they can to try to make a case FOR war.

Rant over...

"So, what's the DemocRAT PLAN? Huh? What do you want us to do? Surrender?"