Hey Jarod. How did this prediction work out for you?

Have I really gotten that far under your skin? Good... let it burn. Let the hate consume you.
Have I really gotten that far under your skin? Good... let it burn. Let the hate consume you.

QUOTE=Jarod; Meeting with Russians to get them to give something of value to your campaign is a crime.
How can they deny that?
Junior will be indicted and if they can prove Rump himself knew about it he will go down.
Funny to watch Rump throw his son under the bus this morning.

Have I really gotten that far under your skin? Good... let it burn. Let the hate consume you.

QUOTE=Jarod; I think it should be public.... But I am SURE it will not, at least not initially.
I suspect it will be kept secret for years. We might get a redacted summary.
Americans should be up in arms about this. Their should be a general strike.

Have I really gotten that far under your skin? Good... let it burn. Let the hate consume you.

QUOTE=Jarod; I bet money Rump & Co will fight tooth and nail to keep it secret. 02/21/19[/i]
QUOTE=Jarod; They will work hard to prevent release until at least after November of 2020.
[/i] 02/21/2019
