Hey Mister Tangerine Man

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
They got Jel-Low Puddin’ Man—
one less backwards Taliban
treating women like beasts—
Packs of predator priests
next they’re comin’ for you—
your whole predator Krew
silver bracelets, orange
jumpsuit await you too!

Hey Mr. Tangerine Man—
They’re comin’ for you next
Before you tweet or text

Hey Mr. Tangerine Man—
your FOX-hole country
only needs one tree

Hey Mr. Tangerine Man—
let Miss Piggy root
on the toe of your boot
helping you steal and loot…

Hey Mr. Tangerine Man—
empire’s vanishing sands
paper towel tossing hands

Hey Mr. Tangerine Man—
peacock prancin’ U.N.
flaunting rule of men
Locking kids in cages
this Orangest of Ages

Hey Mr. Tangerine Man—
pale skull and crossbone
in the Twilight Zone
you’re a U.N. joke—
World’s way too woke!

Inspired by the great Bob Dylan’s “Mr. Tambourine Man”ed


There's much wrong with the two of you.....

There is so very, very, very much wrong with anyone who is not actively opposing the ignorant, classless, embarrassing boor currently living in the White House.

Neither Evince nor Guno are guilty of not opposing the abomination.
There is so very, very, very much wrong with anyone who is not actively opposing the ignorant, classless, embarrassing boor currently living in the White House.

Neither Evince nor Guno are guilty of not opposing the abomination.
Throw your support behind those two...lololololololol
‘You're having that kind of day:)