Hey top.. Obama said decriminalize pot. Still like mrs clinton?

I hope he sticks to his guns on this. And maybe Hillary will try to use it and bait him and have it blow up in her face. Do any highely educated or well reasoned people you know not support decriminalization???
I think it was a politically stupid move. Great idea to pursue while in office, but I wouldn't have touched this with a ten foot pole if I were him.
I think it was a politically stupid move. Great idea to pursue while in office, but I wouldn't have touched this with a ten foot pole if I were him.

I disagree.

Few thinking people believe the criminalization of marijuana makes any sense at all.

America has 5% of the worlds population and 25% of all the wordls prisoners .. and most are in prison for non-violent crimes. Imagine how much that costs.

I like honest politicians who say what they believe.
I think it was a politically stupid move. Great idea to pursue while in office, but I wouldn't have touched this with a ten foot pole if I were him.

I don't know. I think those that are opposed to this are never going to vote for Obama anyway. The left and many independents/libertarians don't care if it is legalized.

It should be legalized and anyone convicted of non-violent charges related to marijuana should be released and have the charges erased from their records.
Ahhh shit... no he'll get rid of the pot-smoking vote cause they'll be worried the cops will be on to them. They track our votes, don't you know dudes?
Like I'm showing dems you can be pro business freak is showing the Repubs can be educated and reasoned to reject jailing for nauzia medicine.
I support pot being treated just like liquor and taxed heavially to help with the debt or something.
We would just have to develop DUI standard levels for pot intoxication.
I do not want extreme stonies out drinving around.
Besides the politicians should support it, with enough of the population stoned they can get by with anything.
I am doing this trial one time, my client is accused of possession of a controlled substance with intent to traffic, to wit cocaine. The Prosecutor tells the jury what he is accused of and then asks in voir dire, how many of you think our drug laws should be changed or that drugs should be legalized. Now I expected about 10% of the hands to go up, which would have been about 6 people. But NOOOOOO, over HALF the hands go up. About 1/3 of my jury was grey haired and the rest regular working people with some college students thrown in as well. We spent four hours questioning people about the war on drugs, and if too many people are going to prison because of the drug war. It was incredible. And I would say that one half of the people that raised their hands were 60 and older. You would be suprised who thinks drug policy should be reevaluated.
I support pot being treated just like liquor and taxed heavially to help with the debt or something.
We would just have to develop DUI standard levels for pot intoxication.
I do not want extreme stonies out drinving around.
Besides the politicians should support it, with enough of the population stoned they can get by with anything.

THAT is exactly how it should be handled. Harsh penalties for those that drive under the influence.... harsher if they hurt someone while under the influence.

Not to mention the taxation will create revenues vs. the drug war costing money.

Also not to mention the money we would save in litigating the drug cases and incarcerating the "criminals"